One way

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Some time had passed, but the words remained unspoken. Mori felt time running out, and yet... She didn't dare breaking the silence first. Halu broke it moments later, however. "So, the surface. The tricky part about surfacing is that you can't doubt that choice for even one millisecond. Do you think you-"

"Yes!" Mori shouted. "A thousand- no, a million times yes."

Halu laughed at the outburst. "That's the Spirit!"

Xai rolled her eyes with endearment. That joke has been so overdone, but Halu never wasted an opportunity to bust it out yet again. "So, I guess that's settled then. I will escort Mori out, and all will be well. Right?"

Halu's face clouded over. "I wish it were that easy, but you know how the mines move of their own accord. Our best bet is the Spelunker Spirits."

"So all we have to do is find the... the... those special Spirits, and have one of 'em guide me home. That's not hard!" Mori looked at Halu and Xai hopefully.

"I'm sorry, Mori," began Xai, "but the Spelunkers aren't the easiest to convince, especially with delicate subjects like this..."

"Why's it so delicate?"

Xai and Halu shared a look of unease. "You see, the Spelunkers all had the same wish as you do now. However, they failed in one way or another. The couldn't find the exit in time, or they lacked resolve when they needed it most. This desire was never forgotten, and so they searched for the one thing they had been missing."

"But can't I help them somehow?" 

"There is a way." Halu and Mori stared at Xai, questions floating all around.

"I've read about it in a fit of boredom, and there's one way. Find the thing they were lacking." 

It dawned on Halu. How could they have forgotten? "Xai, you're a Spelunker, right?"

Mori's eyes snapped up to find theirs, but she was met with their disinterested side profile instead. She had a feeling that was an act. "Xai?"

They didn't look at the little girl. The confusion radiated from her face. Any courage Xai thought they had, vanished right then and there. 

"Xai?" her small voice piped up again.

"Right, I know. Should've told you sooner, and all that jazz."

"Not really, but that isn't what I was trying to ask."


"You found the exit, right? That's how you also found me."

A stunned silence washed over Xai. Was this really happening? "You want to help me."

Mori nodded, unsure if Xai would accept or even think about her offer. Were they even considering this? "It isn't- it isn't because I just wanna go back. You've been really nice to me ever since we met, and you're one of my best friends. I really just wanna help you be happy, if that's all right with you...?"

"There isn't anything you can do. I'll gladly help you find another Spelunker, but I can't and won't ask that of you."

"Ask what of me?"

"Time with my so- Ah, clever. It 's impossible either way, so don't bother. That'll only get you trapped down here." Before Mori could react, Xai turned around and walked away. Mori wanted to run after them, but Halu put a stop to that idea. 

That's right, Halu might know! "Say, Halu. Who is Xai's son exactly?"

Halu looked after Xai still. "They haven't talked about their son much in the years spent underground. I've only been told that he held the night sky in his eyes. That's all I know, though."

Mori had stopped listening. Night sky eyes? She knew those all too well. "That's- that's my friend, Lomin. He's got those night sky eyes Xai talked about. I can probably call for him!"

"A true miracle, hm..." Halu pondered. He looked at the ground, then up to where the sky was supposed to be. He cleared his mind and throat. "I'm going to find Xai."

"And I'm coming with you!" Mori said.

Mori had warmed up considerably to Halu, asking all about life in this Spirit city. "So, you're the boss around here, rgiht? Is that any fun?"

"Ah, did Xai tell you that? I am only 'boss' in name, yet I enjoy healthy discussions with the other Elders all the same."

"Not like that old Spirit, Bao! What's his deal?"

"He's... not exactly the most supportive of our operations here. He believes that Spirits should stay Spirits, without trying to go back. And he's entitled to that."

"Wait, why should Spirits have to stay?"

"It's got to do with imbalance of the worlds, but that's quite complicated to explain right now, isn't it?"

"Uhh... It might be."

"Isn't that Xai, walking on the other side of the street?"

"Yeah, it is!" Mori walked over to them, grinning and bouncing of excitement. "Say, Xai..."

"Save it, sweetheart. Go find another Spelunker."

"No, but I know your son!"

Their eyes snapped towards Mori's. She can't be telling the truth. "What's this supposed son of mine called, then?"

"Lomin is my friend, and he has those night sky eyes. You've talked about that, right?" Mori couldn't tell if Xai believed her, but she at least had their full attention. "So, I'll help you out, because I really want you to be happy. Alright?"

Xai was stunned. They kept to themselves so this could be avoided, but... This could mean the new start they were so desperate for...

"You know what. I'll lead you back to the exit, in exchange for some time with Lomin."

They stuck their hand out, but Mori had already sunk into their arms. Maybe this was going to work out, after all.

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