The Dark thing

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First job. I feel a little bit useless because I'm just the companion for one actor. Yep, I'm working on a set for a TV show, as the companion for just this actor because he is a little bit... smug and needs not even an asistant but a companion. And the only thing he uses me for is to make fun of me and ignore me. I want to punch him in his face but I get paid for this. The enough amount of money I need to support myself for a while. So... I'll just shut up until I get another job.

My boyfriend is with me. He is a technician in the set. He already finished his career and now he got this job with an excellent payment. He told me to join him but he's also upset with the post they gave me. I convinced him that I'll be okay, but sometimes I just want to throw some piece of cake at Jean's face.

Luckily, besides Alex, my boy, our friend Max also works with us as a musician and composer. He records Folley efects too. Sometimes, between Alex and him, throw some bad jokes at Jean when he bullies me. This poor guy don't even understand the jokes and he laughs without knowing the bad intention from this other two. I love them.

The other actor, Sam, is so focused on his job that I think he doesn't even notice Jean's presence. It seems to be a nice guy but I haven't spoken to him yet. I prefer to stay that way. I don't want to suffer more annoying behaviour from another smug.

The other thing I do is to model or pose for the camera man, Carl; a big guy with glasses, videogames fanatic, pretty kind. He sometimes calls me to look for new angles and shots for the scenes. We make photos and short videos to evaluate lights and shadows. He gets along pretty well with Alex.

So, yeah. This is the story of how I managed to survive my first... and my last job ever.


The place were they shoot was huge. Few scenes needed to be done outside, with a creepy construction behind as a scenery. There were two sheds. The bigger one was for the crew, were everybody left their bags and equipment, also were they had lunch. The other one was used as a storeroom. Both had sliding doors and a sheet roof. Rusty and filthy. It was an old place surrounded by nature. Few blocks away you had the new buildings and departments, where this two actors were staying.

One day, after shooting a scene, everybody went to the big shed to look for their bags and leave to their homes. Emily went out to look for something she had left outside during a shot; maybe a bottle of water. Suddenly, the sliding door closed itself. Emily thought it was a bad joke from Jean but for one moment she thought...

"Why is Alex there? Is he bullying me?"

Immediately, she felt something touching her right shoulder. She turned aroung and saw nothing.

"What the..."

She couldn't listen if Alex or Max were calling for her but she got scared. She ran to the storeroom to hide but when she closed the door, it opened just a little bit by itself, letting in anything that was. Something pushed her. She fell down back. The thing showed itself, it was dark and amorphous and moved in every direction. It grabbed her from her feet and throw her against the door. Her body ached as her throat. She couldn't stop screaming. Quickly, she opened the door and runned away but the dark thing, now invisible, pushed her again. She got up, looking everywhere if that thing appeared once more.

"I guess I can't run or hide... I'm dead."

The dark thing became visible as thousands of it. She couldn't think about anything else more than Alex and his safety.

"EMILY!" - Alex screamed while trying to open the door but this was locked somehow. Max was looking some kind of lever to help him out. They heard her screams but couldn't do anything about it. The rest of the crew were shocked, some were crying. Carl were recording hidden in a corner. Jean were paralized and Sam were praying with a rosary on his hands.

"EMILYYY!" - Alex voice dissapeared when an explotion ocurred. The door was now a smashed piece of metal and everybody were some meters away, on the floor or over some boxes. The equipment were destroyed but nobody were injured. Some seconds of silence until Alex screamed "Emily" once more and ran outside with Max behind him and some of the crew just to find her... covered in blood. Emily was unhinged. She had blood everywhere, her fists, face, clothes. But it wasn't her blood.

The dark thing disappeared and just left blood behind and other version of herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2021 ⏰

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