Too Many Second Chances

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Marinette smiled as she held Luka's hand. She wasn't sure what to expect during their date, but a walk around Paris was nice and quiet.

"Princess!" Chat Noir's voice bellowed out.

Marinette dropped Luka's hand and scanned the rooftops for Chat Noir.

'Something must be up; he never calls me that in public.'

"Chat?" Marinette shouted back.


Chat Noir dropped in front of the couple and quickly picked her up bridal style.

"An akuma is after you." he claimed.

"What?" Mari questioned, confused.

Chat Noir leapt towards the roof, taking Marinette with him, leaving Luka to run and hide.

"What did you do?" Chat asked Mari, looking for a place to hide her.

"I don't know. I didn't even know there was an akuma." Marinette stated.

Luka ducked into a shop, as the akuma rounded the corner. He noticed a familiar black and red box on the side table.

'Was that there a moment ago?'

He quickly took the box and ran, ducking into an alley way, not noticing an old man slink away. He took a breath and opened the box.

"Sass, I'd like to talk, but there is an akuma." Luka quickly explained, "Sass, Scales Slither!"

Viperion quickly got to the rooftops and caught sight of Chat Noir. He quickly followed after him, worried for Marinette's safety. He watched as Chat Noir jump down and duck into a building. Viperion jumped down and peeked in. He only wanted to make sure Marinette was okay, then he was gonna go after the akuma.

"Where is Ladybug?" Chat Noir growled, looking around, setting Marinette down, but keeping her close to his frame.

"Chat, leave me here." Marinette spoke, gently pushing away from him.

"A knight protect his princess." he replied, cupping her cheek.

Marinette nuzzled into his hand and whispered, "Then, this princess is giving you an order. Go distract the akuma until Ladybug shows up."

"But-" the miraculous weilder of destruction began to protest.

"I'll hide here." Mari whispered, "Only you know where the princess is hidden."

She pushed up on her tiptoes and placed a kiss upon his cheek. Viperion frowned as she pulled away with a soft look on her face.

"Second Chance." he growled out.

'What is going on here?'

Chat Noir got on bended knee and kissed her hand.

"As my princess commands." he stated before rushing out the door and into the fray.

Marinette quickly turned and ran out the back door, called her own transformation, and joined the battle. Viperion ran into the building, deciding it was best to separate Marinette and Chat Noir, but couldn't find her.

"Second Chance!" he cried out.

Viperion entered the building, startling them.

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