Pull Through (Masato)

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Masato shuts the front door behind him, and tosses the box of documents on the living room sofa. Had he not bought the extra gasoline from Jin, his motorbike would definitely have ran out of fuel before he made it back home. The drive was long, longer than the one he took heading out to the tracker. He went the extra distance to reprobe the inhumane so that it is finally back under Emoné's mind control, and now all he wants to do is lay down and rest; though, he can't say it wasn't worth it. Doing this will surely earn him a higher pay and an even better name on the streets now that people know that he's worth it.

Grinning to himself, Masato sits down on the sofa, and reflects on the past few weeks. In that short span of time, not only has he done something he didn't think he would do- not working for monetary gains, he also had his toughest job yet; however, despite all that has happened, he still managed to pull through. That alone is no small feat, and if there was a crowd here to congratulate him for his achievement, they'd all be patting him on his back right now.

Masato eyes the box of documents. Feeling bored, the convict casually reads through all of them. Some are random documents, but most of them are confidential enough to reveal the things that went down in the lab and Emoné. At the very bottom of the messy pile of paper lies a singular USB. Masato picks it up and inspects it, but no matter how much he looks at it, it's just like any other cheap dollar store USB anyone could find. He pulls out his phone, and calls Emoné. After a moment, the elder vampire picks up.

"Your little toy is in good hands now." Masato fidgets with the USB in one hand before tossing it back into the box.

Delighted, Emoné says. "I know, I was able to reconnect with it. For that, I can not thank you more."

"I got some documents from the people that are after you gathered. What do you want me to do with them?" The convict lies down on his couch.

"Destroy them, all of it, if you would so kindly. The fact that you even acquired possible documents that would relate to me is more than I asked for. Your reputation precedes you well."

Masato stares at the wall blankly. "I just can't stand the idea of letting someone get ahead of me. Nothing more."

"Whatever your reason is, you have proven yourself an invaluable ally. I assumed you would refuse your pay this time around, so instead I insist that you rest for all you've done for me."

"I don't need rest." Masato lies through his tardiness. "Just call me again when you have work."

"...Very well. I bid you a fine evening, then."

The call ends, and once again Masato sighs. He is feeling as hungry as ever, yet he knows he won't be able to stomach anything; instead, he takes all the documents to the shredder, and decides that he will clear the USB of its contents for his own personal use later on. Stepping into the shower, the hot water falls gently onto him, bathing him in its warmth. Yet, despite that, all Masato can feel is the cold, emptiness within. He leans on the porcelain shower walls with his head on his arm, and asks the same question he stabs himself with everyday.

What do I have to live for?

By the time Masato steps out of the shower, the sun is already below the horizon. Tired, he heads into his room to let the inviting darkness take him; however, no matter how hard he tries, he can not fall asleep. He feels a sense of unease as if something is stalking him, but he can't put his finger on what it is.

His phone buzzes, but he does not pick up. Whatever anyone has to say can wait, he is long overdue for his sleep. He bids the lonesome darkness goodnight, but is still unable to sleep.

His phone buzzes again, a message from Jin:

Masato, you there? Sorry I didn't bring this up any earlier, I left my phone at my place. But, listen man, there's people out to get you and you NEED to stay alert!

Hey, pick your phone up man, it's important!

A call comes through, but Masato flips his phone upside down without checking the messages and puts it on silent. The convict sighs, another buzz and he'll legitimately go crazy. He gets up from his bed, and picks up a heart-shaped locket on top of his nightstand. He always brings the locket with him wherever he goes, and it will always rest in his shirt pocket during his travels. Masato touches the locket, feeling every detail of its expert craftsmanship. The golden edges and silver base. If there is an answer to his previous question, the locket would be it. It is the only thing he holds dear, and losing it would be the equivalent of losing what's left of his soul. Clutching it in hand, Masato lies back down, and closes his eyes to try sleeping again. This time, the pendant firmly in his palm. 

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