28I Baggage

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A/N: I was tested when I was like seven and  again briefly when I was 12 but all I remember is having to sit in a room answering questions for a really long time. I've also gone to therapy for most of my life and had a pretty good experience with some, other's not so much. 

Point is, sorry if this is unrealistic. I don't talk to my parents so I didn't actually ask them how it went lmaooo

TW: Abuse

Catra scoffed as she changed her position on the couch for the sixth time this session. She'd been here for less than a hour and she was becoming restless. Catra can't sit still to save her life. 

Angella had insisted on getting Catra tested for any specific mental disabilities. Even though Catra said she was perfectly fine. 

'I'm not depressed. I'm tired.' Was what she had responded with. There's nothing wrong with her. She's fine.

Yet she was still here, Adora's stupid puppy dog eyes and begging sealed the deal. And the fact that Adora had outsmarted her, which Catra didn't think was possible. "If there's nothing wrong, it shouldn't hurt to go. Right? Prove them wrong."

So after being tested for almost two hours, she sat in a doctors office.

"Tell me about your feelings, Catrina." Her Therapist offered. "This is a safe space. Talk about your mother and anything else."

"Okay.. I feel like both of them suck. And that one of them is burning in hell and the other's going to join them soon enough." Catra retorted, annoyed and moving again. "This couch is really annoying."

"Okay, well you can stand." Her therapist suggested. "If you want, I'll stand too."

"Whatever.." Catra muttered, standing up and walking around the big office room. "I'm confused. What do you want from me?"

"I don't want anything from you. Talk about whatever you want." 

Seeing Catra's visible struggle to start a conversation, her therapist did. "Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Ew." Catra laughed a little as she continued pacing. "Men."

"Okay.. so girlfriend?"

"Yeah." Catra answered in a low mutter embarrassed. "She's cool. I guess."

"Tell me about her."  Catra raised a brow at the demand. But nodded nonetheless. "Her name is Adora. She's the prettiest, kindest, dumbest person I've ever met. She made me interested in school when she first moved here, and she made my life better."

"How so?"

"I don't know.. I guess her stupid happy rainbow shit rubbed off on me." Catra shrugged, looking to the person suspiciously. Why was their angle?

"And how were you before her arrival?" 

"Why does it matter?" 

"Because you obviously have some sort of unresolved issues that I want to help you fix."

Catra scoffed, offended. "I don't have issues. Why does everyone keep saying shit like that? I'm not fucked up in the head!"

"Maybe we started things wrong. My apologies for hurting your feelings. Can we start over?" 

"You didn't hurt my feelings... but fine." Catra agreed, sitting down on a different chair this time, still moving around. 

"Okay, my name's Fallon. They/Them. And you?"

"Catra. Whatever."


"Labels are stupid and gender is a social construct." Catra returned, now changing her position to hanging upside down. Fallon laughed a little. "You just cannot sit still. Can you?"

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