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"oh i'm sorry i just saw a big bug at the outside of my window" swift made up as she pointed at the window in front of her, that the camera can't film while smiling.

that's when it clicked to sapnap. after seeing that smile.
that's the girl from omegle.

"sapnap? you wanna say something about yourself?" austin questioned happily.

"uh yeah, hi everyone i'm sapnap as you all know. i play minecraft and other games and stream it. and to be honest that's it."

"wow okay if that's it then we can move on to meeting the contestants!" austin said.

everyone then proceeded to introduce themselves as they said some details about them. but sapnap and swift didn't listen to the others, they were looking at eachother, not knowing that since its a monitor. they kept thinking is it in fact the other person from omegle they clicked that well with or someone else.

"swift! whatcha gotta say about yourself!" austin yelled.

"oh haha well hello everyone!" swift started with a small wave with both hands zoning back in "i'm swift and i mostly stream the block game and valorant on twitch! in my free time i enjoy listening to music and going on long walks through parts of the city i haven't explored yet...and that's mostly it." swift finished with a smile.

"okay and that are all the contestants! now we will join a friend of sapnap to ask you ladies a few questions!"

"hello everyone"

"hello dream! can you please ask these lovely ladies a question if you have one in mind already?" austin asked.

"yes i in fact do, what would your dream date with sapnap look like?"

oh wow shit.

"oh oh oh! can i go first!" brianna yelled as she raised her hand.

"go ahead" austin answered her.

"well i would take him to a nice restaurant for a dinner and then we could just walk around the town who knows"

"nah thats shit," mya chimed in "i'd take him to a beach and have a picnic as the sun is falling" she said with a smirk.

"alrighttt- minx! you next!"

after minx, andrea and mars it was swifts turn.

"oh- i uh well i would probably like take him stargazing, we'd go to a store to get some snacks and i'd bring a blanket. we could find a nice empty field away from all the bright city lights and noises and just lay there. i find it pretty relaxing i dunno-" swift said blushing lightly and moving her hands around the screen.

"oh i like that. alot." sapnap said smiling which made swift smile even more.

"well that was the first thing i wanted to say but alright..-" mya said.

the remaining contestants proceeded to say their answers.

"okay! sapnap! make your decision on who's the first person out!"


"okayyy" austin started "mars..your safe. brianna, your safe. andrea, your safe. jane, your safe. maya, your safe. swift...your safe and lily your safe aswell. which leaves minx, anna and mya in the bottom three"

minx then proceeded to have her rage moment where she threw her chair on the floor.

"minx! hello! i didn't even say who's out yet!"

"oh, right" she said as she lifted up her chair and sat in it.

"anna... you're unfortenutely the one out" austin said.

"so sorry anna, you seem like a really nice person it's just that i don't really feel it and you were kinda quiet" sapnap apologized.

"no! don't worry at all, i totally get it! everyone, you can find me @urmomsfavanna at almost every platform, good luck to rest of you!" she waved as she clicked off the call.

"alright! we'll be back after this quick ad break!"


hope your having an amazing night/day and please go to sleep cause i'll bet you 5 bucks your reading this at 1am🙄🙌🏻

and please dont be a silent reader. >:(

and also to the person who keeps voting on all of my chapters: i love you omg you make my whole day thank you so much <3

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