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It wasn't Sohal's first time being at Rune's apartment, but somehow, coming back here today felt different. Especially since he was borrowing Rune's clothes.

"How are you feeling?" Rune walked back to the living room carrying mugs from the kitchen.

Sohal sat on the couch with a towel draped around his shoulders. The shower had calmed his nerves but he still couldn't relax. "I still... feel a bit anxious."

Rune poured tea into a mug before sliding it towards Sohal. "I made you some chamomile tea. It should help ease your nerves a bit."

"Thanks." Sohal picked up the mug and let it warm up his hands.

"I also talked to Lorenzo while you were in the shower. Don't worry. He's on your side and he's helping us. If anyone asks, you're staying at their place for a few days."

"Ah... okay." Sohal took a tentative sip from his mug. "Why... was I being followed?"

"Good question. Did anyone see you hang out at the bar? Anyone you know?"

"Ah... there was Ed that one time but I thought..."

"They probably have been monitoring you for a long time. It's what they did with me."

"Why would they do that?"

"Ah... I used to go on a lot of dates on Fated. I never wanted a partner. I just wanted to make lots of friends. It started to get really weird eventually. At first, I noticed all my matches were white women which is fine but... I didn't have a specific preference. Then these women started to get more intense. I think it was a trap at some point."

"Intense?" Sohal took a sip of his tea before placing it back down on the coffee table.

"They asked very invasive questions about my sex life and how I liked things to be done in the bedroom. I got frustrated and told one of them that I wasn't interested in sex."

"Did they ban you after that?"

Rune laughed bitterly. "I wished they did."

"What else would they do?"

"They had the police take me to this place..." Rune's voice was hoarse and his eyes were glassy. "I don't know where it was but they kept me in a small room for days. Tried to convince me that sex was the only way to express love and... other shit."

Sohal's grip tightened around his mug. "I'm so sorry. I had no idea..."

"It's fine."

"No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry about what I said the last time we talked. It was insensitive of me. I didn't know there was more going on. I should've listened to you."

"No, you had no idea. I should be saying sorry. You were trying to find a place to belong and you didn't want to get in trouble."

"No, I'm sorry. I didn't even give you a chance to explain yourself."



Rune pulled Sohal in for a tight hug. Sohal hesitated for a second before returning the hug. The two held each other for a while, neither wanting to let go first. Sohal reluctantly pulled away and his gaze was directed to the ground.

"I... Can I ask...?"


"How... did you escape?"

Rune exhaled. "My sister managed to find people connected to Vein. They were able to find me and break me out."

"There's a lot to Vein that I don't know about it seems."

"Yeah, it's definitely... bigger than just a cool place to hang out at."

"Ha... that's for sure."

That was when Sohal realized he didn't want to go on dates anymore. He already had everything he needed right here. He just wanted to stay by Rune's side.

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