chapter 3 welcome to Griffin Rock!

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~Where we last left off our heros Macy, Star, Cindy, and Bloss were sucked though a portal and landed on an island called Griffin Rock but while they were going through the portal Cindy's appearance changed no longer a ninja turtle but a human with orange hair brown eyes and light skin bloss also looked like a human~

Macy(me), Star, Cindy, Bloss: *falling out of the portal* AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

Macy(me): *lands on the ground hard and gets dog piled by Star, Cindy, and Bloss* Oof Ow!

???: Oh my goodness! are you four okay?!

Macy(me): *vision was blurry due to the fall* ???

Bloss: yeah I'm fine *gets off of Cindy*

Cindy: me too *gets off Star*

Star: just a minor headache for me *gets off Macy*

Macy(me): ow...I think I might've broke something important...

Star: I'll help you up sis *puts Macy arm over her shoulder and helps her stand*

???: That was a nasty fall you had your lucky the grass softened it more or less for her

Bloss: yeah sorry Macy

Macy(me): it's fine not the worst pain I've been in....

Lily: Um how about I bring her to my older sister so she can check her out oh I'm Lily by the way!

Bloss: I'm Blossom Marie hamato but my friends call me Bloss!

Star: I'm Star Dreemurr and this is my little sister Mackenzie dreemurr but we call her Macy!

Cindy: I'm Cindy nice to meet you!

Lily: (mind: it's just a coincidence that she's named Cindy....)

Bloss: you okay there Lily?

Lily: y-yeah I'm okay now come with me!

Cindy: (mind: why is the little girl look so familiar to me...and the name Lily too.....)

~After Lily brought the gang to a firehouse~

Lily: Dani I need your help!

???: whoa calm down kiddo who are they?

Lily: they are Blossom, Cindy, Star, and Macy and Macy needs medical help dad!

Chief Burns: okay you four can come in I'm chief Charlie Burns I see you met my daughter Lily

Star: that's right we did

Bloss: (mind: so she is the girl from the wiki!)

Chief Burns: Dani grab the first aid!

Chief Burns: have a seat while I inform my family

Cindy, Bloss: *sits down on the couch*

Star: *sets Macy down*

Dani: Hi I'm Dani burns nice to meet you four!

Star: its nice to meet you too! but she need more help she got dog piled and might have a bad bump on her head and word of advice don't freak out about her eye what happened is personal

Dani: noted!

~time skip brought to you by Dani Burns helping Macy!~

Dani: done!

Macy(me): thanks

Dani: not a problem! ^^

???: hey squirt who are they?

Lily: Kade, Graham meet Macy, Star, Cindy, and Blossom!

Kade: I'm Kade

Graham: I'm Graham nice to meet you all!

~🤖✨if I met the rescue bots Ft. unikitty my OCs and more!✨🤖~ (Huge Crossover!)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora