Prologue: The Lions Roar

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All Narnian characters and ideas do not belong to me in any way, shape or form. The only copyright's I have to this story are Arabella and Raphael and the slight plost twist. Thank you and Enjoy :) 

A dark night where the moon had risen, a lone lions roar was heard throughout the land. In a burst of light, laid a babe in a mans arms. The mans golden eyes shimmered with an unknown thought and he closed his eyes and placed his lips against the babes forehead in a light kiss.

"Oh dear child, the journey that lays ahead of you." He sighed while opening his eyes and walked through a wall of water where his body shimmered down to a lion, while the baby was now held in a cloth by his mouth. He traveled across the lands until he landed in one he knew well; into the break of dawn. He gently laid the baby on a doorstep of a faun and nudged the door open before he walked away with tears in his eyes.

A faun stepped out of the hut when a slight breeze had entered his house and looked down below to see a little baby girl wrapped in a red silk cloth. He looked around before gently scooping her up and brought her inside. He moved the wrap away from her head and looked to see fine red-golden hair on top of her head, the color had reminded him of a lion's mane. His eyes widened before he realized he was blessed with a miracle.

 He smiled and laid the baby down before poking the fire and warming the little hut up. The baby started to wail feeling discomfort of not being held anymore or the soothing heartbeat of a creature. He quickly picked her up again and rocked her lightly, murmuring sweet nothings into her ear. "Hush little Arabella your alright."

Another faun had walked in lightly knocking before entering, his own eyes had widened at the sight of the lion haired baby. "Raphael, is that she?" He nodded his head before looking up with pride in his eyes and smiling.

"It is Tumnus."

Tumnus had walked closer to the little baby and looked down his eyes overcoming with love at the sight of her. "She has a wonderful gift already, no one will be able to resist her." Raphael nodded and glanced down. Tumnus traced a light finger around her face, Arabella had lifted her hand up and wrapped her small fingers around his and beamed a toothless smile.

"What a beautiful gift she is.." He murmured,  while Tumnus had taken out his lute and started playing a Narnian lullaby. The baby closed her eyes and fell into a peaceful sleep.

8 years later....

Arabella sighed, she pulled her cloak tighter around herself to keep her warm from the bitter cold. She sniffled and wiped her nose and continued walking through the deep snow her breath coming out in little puffs. She had escaped Raphael's house for a short bit, she craved the fresh air and freedom. Being couped up all the time left her feeling restless.

The only other time she was let out was when she would be taught by the centaurs to sword fight or hand-to-hand combat which was rarely anymore. They like many other Narnians had gone into hiding from the White Witch. She cursed that woman with everything she had. She missed the warmth of summer and dancing with the sprites. A memory she could barely hold onto anymore. Her ears perked at the sudden sound of footsteps crunching in the snow.

Her hand went to the dagger around her waist and waited. When she felt a hand placed on her shoulder, she spun around taking the dagger from it's sheath and kicked the attacker behind its legs and held the dagger to it's neck crouching low. When her vision cleared she looked to see Raphael, her eyes widened and she stood up looking sheepish.

"I'm so sorry Raphael! You know better now to sneak up behind me." He sighed and stood up brushing the snow off his fur and gave her a pointed glare.

"And you know better not to be in the woods by yourself! Especially this late, it's for your own protection."

Arabella sighed and nodded. "I know, I'm sorry. I just couldn't help it." He sighed himself and wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her to him in a comforting hug.

"I know, but come on let's get back before she finds out you're here." She nodded mutely and they went back to the hut.

A/N: so here's the prologue! Hope you guys like it. So either leave a comment down below or a vote! It would be greatly appreciated! :) can we try for maybe 3 votes and 3 comments? And I'll go up everytime?

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