Zuma eats Kyle

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At the Lookout...

Kyle taking a nap in his shelter, but then, something knocks on Kyle's door.

Kyle FKZF: Mmm...who could that be?

Kyle opens his door and nothing was there.

Kyle FKZF: Strange.

But then, Kyle unexpectedly shrank down to medium size.

Kyle FKZF: Whoawhat? That is a very odd size I'm in.

But then, Zuma came along and saw Kyle in a different size.

Zuma: What, what happened to you, Ky?

Kyle FKZF: I don't-

Zuma: Well, don't mind if I do this?

Kyle FKZF: Do what?

Zuma opens his mouth and engulfed Kyle's entire head.

Kyle FKZF: Mrmph!

Zuma picked up Kyle and swallowed him, only his feet were sticking out of his mouth.

Kyle FKZF: Zuma, what are you doing?!

Zuma didn't say anything, he fully gulped Kyle into his stomach.

Zuma: (Groan)

Kyle was stuck inside of Zuma's tummy and couldn't move.

Kyle FKZF: Zuma, let me out. I can't move!

Zuma's stomach started making bulging sounds.

Zuma: How is it inside my tummy?

Kyle FKZF: Mmmmpphhh! Your stomach mucus is pink! Let me out!

Kyle started struggling and kicking his stomach.

Zuma: (Groan) Kyle, stop kicking my stomach.

Kyle FKZF: Then let me out!

Ella came and saw Zuma.

Ella: Zuma- (Sees his stomach) Whoa! Did you eat too much food?

But then, Ella heard Kyle's voice from inside of Zuma's tummy.


Ella was shocked that Zuma ate her friend.

Ella: Zuma! You ate my friend!

Ella made Zuma lay down on his back.

Zuma: Ella, what are you doing?

Ella: I have to get him out of there!

Ella puts her front paws on Zuma's belly and she pushes on it, forcing Kyle out of the Chocolate Laborator's body.

Zuma: (Groaning)

Ella: Are you okay?

Ella saw that Kyle's head was sticking out of Zuma's mouth.

Ella: It's working!

Ella continued to push on Zuma's tummy and all of Kyle is now out of the Chocolate Laborator's mouth.

Zuma: (Cough x6)

Zuma: (Catching his breath)

Kyle then grew back to his original size and Ella checked on him.

Ella: Kyle, are you okay?

Kyle regained consciousness and opens his blue eyes.

Kyle FKZF: (Groan) It was so tight in his body. I couldn't move.

Ella: Can you walk, Ky?

Kyle FKZF: I think so.

Kyle slowly gets up on his feet and Zuma stands up on his paws.

Zuma: Kyle, I'm sorry for swallowing you.

Kyle FKZF: You're good, Zuma.

Zuma then gave Kyle 5 licks in the cheek.

Kyle FKZF: Thank you adorable brown furred puppy.

Zuma kept licking Kyle and he fell and he and Ella were licking Kyle in the face over and over again.

Kyle FKZF: Mmm! Zuma! Ella! Please stop! Too much puppy love!

Kyle started laughing while Zuma and Ella were still licking him in the face.

The End.

Zuma eats KyleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora