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Hiccup's POV: On Berk

I was just walking home from a flight with toothless and I entered the house my mom called, "Hiccup." Said mom. "What mom?" I answered. "There is something very important that I have to tell you... you have a twin sister." "What? I have a twin sister what happened to her? Where is she mom?" "When you and her where born a raid started one of the vikings that were raiding the place took her and I could not do anything about it Hiccup. Before you found me I learned that Drago had her hidden away somewhere. But I still don't know where. When you found me I was looking for her. You have to find her and you can take your friends I just can't deal with searching and then finding nothing." "I will find her and by the way what is her name?" I asked. "Her name is Lita Freya Haddock."
Hiccup's POV: At the cliff getting ready to leave...

"So Hiccup, you have a sister that is currently probably locked up somewhere or just lost on an Island." Said my girlfriend Astrid. "Yup, pretty much." I said poping the p. "I hope shes cute." said Snotlout. "Back off." I said. "Ok ok." Snotlout replied a little bit annoyed. "Lets go find the other heir to Berk!" Astrid said.


Lita's POV: On a uncharted island...

I have been walking around for days looking for a way to escape this island that I was stranded on put here by Drago Bloodfist I hope he's dead. Might as well think he's dead he has not returned for weeks maybe a month. I thought. As I am walking I hear a faint wimpering noise, I look out from behind the bush. I gasp, I dragon. I slowly walk up to it, I show it that I have no wepons, nothing to harm it with. Then it all happens I train a dragon. "WHAT!! This is awsome!" I scream. The dragon it is a Night Fury. Drago told me how my brother rode a Night Fury. My brother sounded awsome. But, I guess I will never meet him. :-(


Hiccup's POV: Flying over islands...

We are passing islands that dont particularly look go to keep someone locked up in when I hear someone shout, "WHAT!! This is awsome!" It sounded like a girl. It could be her. "Toothless, call the others." I tell my Night Fury. He shoots a plasma blast into the air like a becon. In no time my friends get here. "You found her?" Asked Fishlegs. "I think so." I reply in a jolly tone. Then we fly to the island I heard the voice call out from.


Lita's POV: On a uncharted island again...

I see a plasma ball fired into the air. "Wow" is all I can say. Then I see dragon with people riding them I need to hide. I think. "Hide in here Frigg." (AN: The other Night Fury's name.) We see the boy and his friends land and the boy was riding a Night Fury. It must be my brother. But I'm not sure. I think. He walks up to the bush and says, "that isn't a very good hiding spot." "Well it is for me." I sayin a rather annoyed serious tone. "Come out." He says. I reply, "Not until I can trust you. Whats your name and are you working for Drago Bloodfist?"


Hiccup's POV: On a uncharted island again...

This mysterious girl who I think is my sister Lita Freya Haddock asked, "What's your name and are you working for Drago Bloodfist?" I reply, "No I don't work for Drago Bloodfist and my name is Hiccup Hurrendous Haddock the third. What's Your name?" I ask. "M-my name. I-I don't know my last name but I know my first and middle name. My name so far is Lita Freya. I have been held hostage by Drago for my whole life. Today I met and trained a Night Fury that I named Hella." I said. "Well I know who your parents are." "Who? All I know is that I have a twin brother who rides a Night Fury." "Well I am YOUR BROTHER!" I shout. "WHAT!!" She shouts louder than me. My sister by the way has brown hair and green eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2016 ⏰

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