How This Works

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I have written for roughly three years now, although not all of what I worked on can be found on Wattpad.  One of the primary sources of inspiration while writing is music.  I usually choose music that is fitting for a specific chapter's mood or the general mood and tone of the writing piece.  For example, more somber pieces and chapters are written in conjunction with music that evokes melancholy and/or a certain stillness in the general atmosphere.   Happier chapters receive music that brings a smile to my face.

Inspiration for the concept of certain stories comes from a variety of sources.  Fanfiction is inspired by TV shows and games I watch and play.  I've also been inspired by numerous books that I have read over the years.  For my own story ideas, I get inspiration from mythology, ideas regarding society and culture in the present and the future, and nature at times.  Currently, I'm writing an AU fanfiction regarding a more modern and present-day take on a video game that I play.  It was in fact, inspired by fanfiction on AO3 (Archive Of Our Own).

I don't use notebooks as a way to write my stories.  I used to, and I liked it.  I find using my laptop works better.  I start a Google Doc on my personal email, and if I feel comfortable with it, I post on Wattpad or Discord.  I post on Wattpad for public viewing and Discord for more private viewing.  I use digital means to create and post my work for ease of use, and if I make a mistake, I don't have to erase it with a rubber.  My most creative moments are during the night or an intense rainstorm.  As previously mentioned, music increases my creativity and inspires me to a certain extent.  I also get inspired by reading other people's creative works, which include fanfiction.

One of my best pieces of writing is a story I'm currently writing.  It's a fanfiction of a video game I play, and I find that using interconnected character arcs is actually good in terms of addressing my weak point: pacing.  Additionally, the shorter arcs make me think carefully about how the plot is structured.  It was primarily inspired by previous futuristic ideas as well as the simulation theory.  Not only that, the story was built over the bones of a previous story, detailing the rise of the world of the video game.

For advice to start writing, I would say write what you are passionate about.  If you're interested in aircraft, for example, write them into your story!  I am interested in history and culture, so I gravitate towards those areas.  You can also find ways to inspire yourself by partaking in hobbies outside of writing and drawing inspiration from them.  Maybe you like drawing, so supplement your writing with illustrations showcasing specific scenes.  Each person has their own individual thought process from which they derive their creative energies.

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