4. The Date gone wrong (very short)

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"He asked you out on a date?" Luca questioned "Yeah! I'm excited. Do you think I have a chance with him now?" "Probably, why would he ask you out if he didn't like you?" "Fair point. Luca, it's been almost 3 weeks since I came here and not once have I seen you go visit your parent" "Well, we had an argument and they haven't apologized for it" "hopefully everything gets better then" he nodded 

"What time is your date?" "2pm why?" "It's 2:15pm" "Shit! Uh I gotta get going Luca, bye!" 

~' Date '~

"Sorry for being late Alberto! I lost track of time and what not" "It's fine, let's get going shall we?" I nodded as he took my hand and intertwined it with his "So what's the plan?" "We're going to that Island over there! I set up a picnic and some fairy lights" "But how am I?" "Boat!" "You really planned everything didn't you" He nodded "You're so cute Alberto" His face flushed 

"So parents how are they" "Uh, they're good I guess. I have a mom, but no dad" "How come?" he asked "He found some other woman, had sex , and now he has his own family" I sighed "What about yours?" "I-I don't have parents. They both left when I was young. But my real dad is Massimo! He took me in and I have never been happier" he smiled "Ever wanted kids?" he asked "Not really no, you?" "I do. I want to be a good father to them unlike my father." "I'm sure you can do it! Whenever you find the right person" I faked a smile "Yeah, hopefully" He sadden

"We're here! M'lady" he gave me his hand "Thank you good sir!" I giggled 

"I'm stuffed!" i groaned "Me too! I can't move" "Well you kind of have to Romeo. I have to go back home today" "Can't you just stay over one more day?" "I'm sorry Berto but Ercole won't let me" "Well, shall we get going?" I nodded 

~' Time Skip '~

"I had fun Berto. Thanks for today" He leaned in closing his eyes and I did as well "Ey, Y/n you're finally back! And with Alberto?" ugh! you cockblocker "Hey Ercole, sorry for being late. Bye Berto, see you tomorrow!" he waved 

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