Super Potato part 1 (his backstory)

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So... are we sure about this? Of course Zeus! ok then says Athena. POWER, AGILITY, ENDURANCE, AND WILL POWER, all four ingredients to make the perfect super hero. *whistling and wind noises around a sleeping potato.

George wakes up for his first day of 5th grade. Feeling strange but he doesn't notice because he is too nervous to realize that. He does his morning routine (eat, shower, brush teeth, and get dressed). The school bus picks him up. He gets on and walks to the back, scanning and looking at the people and takes a seat. George had just got a new phone the shphone 7, so he goes on it every chance he gets because of how cool it was. So when he opened his phone  it read " pothole on the redpoppot county road, be careful." he honestly didn't care he just kept playing his favorite game " Bananas Vs Potatoes war game!" The next thing he new he was driving on the redpoppot county road since it was on the way to school. He remembered about the pothole. He screamed BUS DRIVER THERE IS A POTHOLE UPAHEAD!! Everyone looked at him and the bus driver said what are you talk- the bus then went down really hard and flung back up like a slingshot and flung into the river below. as the bus was sinking people tried to get out by opening windows but they were jammed! You could hear potatoes holding there breath. George opened the back escape hatch and swam out. while doing so he bumped his head which didn't hurt but the bus budged. He realized what he had done and realized he had to try and push the bus. 

He planted this feet as firmly as possible on the river bed and put his hands on the bus and pushed as hard as he could. To his utter shock and surprise he actually moved it! he pushed the bus the the river side and onto the grass. everyone was looking at him while they where drenched. The cars that were also on the stopped and realized that one of the 5th graders had been pushing it the whole time. By the time he has gotten the whole bus out of the water he was swarmed with questions and yelling in confusion. News casters with microphones, cameras and people thanking him. He was confused himself because he never took himself for that strong, he just wanted to go to school. "HEY KID how did you push the bus" one caster asked him, another asked "what did you do to push this" he was so confused and all he was worried about the the well being of the other  kids. George knew that he couldn't of done this alone and had to of had help from somewhere else. Parents zooming to come and check if their kids were alright and to pick them up. George waited for his mom and while doing so he checked if all the kids were alright and the kids were praising him like a god. But... he didn't want this. He didn't think HE was a god. If this was help from a god then.. why him? George's mom Lilly arrived to see her son swarmed and was very confused. She yelled "WHAT ARE YOU DOING, THATS MY SON." People looked at her and the crowd moved out of the way for George to his mom making a kind of red carpet path, with people staring at him while he walked to his mom. When George got to his mom he hugged and and she said was " I saw the news, we will talk about it when we get home, I'm just so glad your okay." News casters then swarmed her as she and George went to the car caster saying the same thing but to Lilly " did you hear your son lifted the bus from the lake saving everyone from inside!" As she drove away people were yelling "Hero!" and people saying "He IS A HEROOOoo the noises of voices getting quieter." The ride home was the loudest, most confused, silence ever. 

Once George got home he explained the entire thing to her how he experienced it. She knew her son and George knew himself... He got some kind of strength from somewhere. "Whether it was adrenaline or your a Super Potato, you are a hero, and still love you." said his mom. George and his mom hugged and both said "I love you." The next day he did his morning routine and got ready for school like he would normally. This time his mom driving him and taking a different road than redpoppot county road. When he arrived his mom said good luck and don't do that again ok? he said ok and left. He kept his head down hoping no one would recognize him which worked... for 5 seconds. He heard HEY IS THAT THE KID WHO SAVED THE BUS. He gulped him disappointment. but not as many kids went up to him as he thought, and girls were asking for his number ;) and they asked for his name and he said George. This happened day after day but with less people every day because they got used to him, and by 3 weeks that passed now one came up to him, but in that time he learned that he was in fact. A super potato.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2021 ⏰

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