The Infinite Ocean

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As a child I always was the protector. My sis would always get bullied physically or mentally. It pissed me off to see how the others treat her. She was always the shy kitten, lost in the litter. I love her dearly. Right now me and sis are with mother.

Seele: Mommy, where are we going?

Mother: Well my dear daughter, we're going shopping for food!

Eric: You seem overly excited mother, what's the big deal about going shopping?

Mother: We're going to meet someone special!

Me and sis look at each other with our confused 9 year old eyes. See me and Seele are twins, the only noticeable difference is the eyes and hair style. I usually keep my hair cut on the sides and back while the front is eyebrow length. I keep it to the right side of my face since my hair doesn't sit well on the left. Sis keeps her hair neck-length so it shows off more of our blue bangs. She was born with blue eyes while mine are heterochromia. My left eye was blue while my right eye was half-blue and half-red. We walked to the shopping mart filled with a lot of people.

Eric: This place is so crowded.

I felt a hand grab mine as I look at my sister. She had a scared look as I smile at her.

Eric: Don't worry sis, I'm not going anywhere!

She smiled back as we continued to walk with mother. This is where my memories start to shatter off like broken glass. I only remember that I've been taken away from my sister. My mother's dead, while Seele was taken away to an orphanage. I've been hearing this voice in my head ever since I've been getting tested on. But I can't exactly remember what they did to me.

Eric: And that leads to today. Honkai beasts attacked the lab in massive swarms. I think the lab I was taken to was in the epicenter of a small Honkai eruption. Honestly, I hope they got what they deserved.

A tall woman sat in the chair across from me. She had long blonde hair and a Russian military outfit on. I may be part Russian but I dabble more on American literature.

Cocolia: Da, you're not the only one. Do you have anything else you remember? Even the smallest detail?

I look throughout my memories. My shattered memories.

Eric: Only one thing, something called and Heirsherr?

(That is intended to be spelt wrong because of his young age and mind.)

Cocolia: A Hersherr!?

She looked at me in shock but she quickly shook it off and looked at me.

Cocolia: We came just in time then. Damn Shicksal.

Eric: What was the last part?

Cocolia: It was nothing dear. From now on you will be in my care, I will be your Matushka.

It's been two years. Two fucking years I've been here all by myself! Why is Matushka keeping me away from the others? Doesn't she know this is going to drive me mad?! Maybe I'm already crazy!

???: Calm down host.

The soothing voice of the bane of my existence says.


I get cutoff by a slap in the face. I put my hand on my cheek and look at the transparent blue entity.

???: I don't need you to go crazy on me damnit! You agreed to these terms remember!?

Eric: I KNOW!

I sigh in defeat and slide my back against the wall to sit down.

Eric: I know.

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