Chapter 2 Trailer

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The screaming, what the hell happened?

I pick my head up and look at the crumbled part of the school. The destruction, death and blood everywhere.

Eric: Aah!

I look at my leg and see a piece of rebar stuck in my leg. I try to pull it out, but it was just way to painful and I didn't want to bleed out from the open wound. I got some of the rubble off of me so I could stand. I had to hug the wall for support as my leg wasn't working properly because of the rebar. I look out of the window and see a bright purple beam on the roof. I close my eyes and focus my energy at the beam.

Eric: It's Mei's power, it has to be.

I start limping my way to the stairs as a figure knocked me over in the hallway. I fell and yelled in agony as the rebar got pushed in a bit. The figure came back to me.

???: I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you!

I look up at the woman. She had white hair and blue eyes as she wore the uniform to our school. I got up slowly and hugged the wall.

Eric: It's okay, it wasn't your fault.

She looks at my leg and saw the constant stream of blood coming out.

???: We need to get you to a hospital!

Eric: No! I need to save a friend first! Can you help me to the roof?

She nodded and put my arm around her shoulder. We went up to the last flight of stairs and opened the door. Mei looked so much different. She had semi-long horns on her head and a little bit of purple in her eyes. I could tell that the Hersherr has taken her over.

HoT: Well, well, well. If it isn't my host's favorite human.

Eric: Thunder, this isn't right! That body isn't yours to take! That belongs to Mei Raiden, my best friend!

HoT: Hahahaha! Poor, poor human. This girl has much more deeper feelings for you.

Eric: What do you mean?

HoT: This girl loves you human. My host wants to be with you.

Eric: I'm not falling for that trick Hersherr!

HoT: But it isn't a trick, when everyone else left her, you were still there for her. You kept her happy through each day you were together. A become a deep feeling, but she knew that she fell for you.

I start to remember about when everyone neglected her. I then got pissed at her.

Eric: That body still doesn't belong to you!

HoT: *Sigh* I tried.

She sliced her sword at me and the girl as I braced for impact.

???: You are a giant doofus sometimes, you know that?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2021 ⏰

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