My Dream, My Reality

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On the way home I cried. Cried happy tears because my dream had come true. For one night I lived out my fantasy and it was better then I had expected. Gabriella stayed over my house that night but as I lay on my bed I stared into darkness and all I could think about was Niall. I saw his perfect face, his smile and his blue eyes sparkling. Then I remembered the letter Liam gave me; quietly I got up from my bed, grabbed the letter and ran into the bathroom.


I saw the way you were looking at Niall I think it was obvious you liked him, what was surprising was the way Niall looked at you. I have not seen my boy look at a girl that way, which is why I think he would be more than glad to see you again. Here are two tickets for the concert tomorrow. Hope you can make it!

 I couldn’t help it, I screamed and tears of joy stained my cheek. Gabriela rushed into the bathroom and asked what was wrong. “Nothing” I replied, showing her the letter. She smiled and gave me a hug. “This is your new fate,” she said looking me straight in the eye “You like him and he might like you back. Don’t let go of this chance! Hold on to your chance and go for it!” I smiled, and she took me back to bed, I didn’t even know what to feel, I was floating, my heart was pounding fast but gradually began to slow down until I fell asleep.

 The next night I had to go to the concert on my own since Gabriella had to go away on a family trip. The concert was even better than the first one. I was singing along to every song staring at Niall most of the time. He hadn’t noticed me until the last song. Liam walked up to him whispered in his ear and walked away. A few minutes later he walked over to my side and stared at the crowd until he saw me. A huge smile spread across his face, he sang and stared into my eyes, my reaction? I put my hand to my head, then my chest and pointed at him. He then walked away and jumped on top of Liam laughing like a mad man. They boys said goodbye, and the fans started to leave. Not knowing what do to, I got up and began to walk away, when I felt a hand on my shoulders. I turned around only to see the same security guy as the previous night.

“Sorry, young lady but it seems you have violated a rule, you need to come with me” “What? I did…” He gave me an intense stare and glanced over at the stage. I looked over and saw Niall behind a screen, he waved and put his finger to his mouth in a ‘shh’ motion. I understood then, and followed the guard, as other fans just stared at me thinking I had done something wrong.

 When I went backstage Niall hugged me, “Its great to see you again” he said smiling. “Happy to see me? Imagine how I feel” I said hugging him again. When we pulled away the guys were all there and I said hi to them. They invited me to go out with them to grab a bite to eat, but Niall jumped in and said he would stay behind and have dinner with me. I couldn’t argue with that! Dinner, just Niall and me, I was a step away from having a heart attack. The boys left and I sat in a sofa with Niall next to me. “What would you like to eat?” he asked walking towards the refrigerator. “Your choice” I answered, seeing him bend down and roll his sleeves, reaching for something in the back of the fridge. Was I drooling? I think I was drooling; I quickly put my hand on my mouth as Niall walked back towards the sofa. “We only have cold sandwiches, I hope that's okay with you” “Its great, I don’t mind,” I said taking one of the sandwiches. He sat down and we began to talk about the show. We talked and joked for hours. Time seemed to fly by. He was such a normal guy, sweet, funny, caring, adventurous, and honest.

“Let me ask you something” he stated looking at me with a confused face “the thing that you did when I saw you in the crowd, what was that”

 “Oh this?” I placed my hand in my head, then chest and pointed at him”

“Yes!” he said in an excited yet frustrated voice.

I laughed and began to explain “it means: my mind” I placed my hand in my head “and my heart” I moved my hand to my chest “are yours” I ended pointing at him and blushing.

“That’s really sweet” he said and moved closer to me.

His face was getting closer to mine, I could hear him breathing, he got closer and closer until our noses were almost touching. “I like that” and he leaned in. My head was spinning, was this really happening. I closed my eyes and just when our lips were going to touch the boys came in and my phone started ringing. We quickly jumped away and I picked up the phone walking away from the boys.

 It was my mother, it was already 4am and I had to go back home. I said goodbye to the guys, but before I left Niall pulled me aside and asked for my number. “Call me when you get home” “I will” I said and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. I ran out and drove home. My dream was becoming my reality.    

I got home, rushed to my room and called Niall. He said he had a great time and that if it was possible to see him again. We agreed on a date and place and with that we said goodnight. I hung up, laid on the bed and with the phone close to my chest I fell asleep.


Hope you like this new part!

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My One and Only-NHOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant