Trapper X Reader (non-con)

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Evan grabbed you by the throat and slammed you against a tree. the way he was breathing let you know he was angry, pissed off even.
"You think your fucking hilarious dont you? where did all that taunting lead you? here, right? did you really think you could escape me?"
damn i should not have made that yo mama joke...
"Damn dude take a chill pill and get out of my face your breath reeks"
he grabbed you by the hair and smashed your face into the tree you have previously been up against.
ow what the fuck
you gripped your head, blood dripping down, you start to tear up.
he did it again. this time you started feeling dizzy and leaned against the tree for support.
"please... stop" you whimpered
he chuckled in response
he threw you to the ground and stomped on your ribcage.
"please... i'll do anything... just please... stop..." you croaked.
he paused for a second before flipping you on your stomach.
he ripped your shorts off before you could even react.
"no! please!"
he didn't care, he continued ripping off the last of your clothes.
"this is what you deserve you little bitch" he whispered in your ear.
tears streamed down your face as he held your arms behind your back.
you knew begging wouldn't help at this point but you continued hoping there was a sliver of humanity in this man.
there wasnt.
he continued fucking you till you were bleeding and couldn't speak.
he eventually gave up after the third round and left you on the ground for someone to find you.

this is the worst thing i've ever written in my life forgive me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2021 ⏰

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