18. The Wolf Inside

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A month had passed, and a busy month it had been. Poppy had officially begun her Animagus lessons with McGonagall and Remus. She had read the whole guidebook, which she was studying in-depth with Remus. She had officially kept the leaf in her mouth for a month, something she was glad was now over.

Today in her lesson, she was to create the potion for becoming an Animagus, which included the leaf she had held in her mouth. Once produced, she would have to, at sunrise and sunset daily, mutter an incantation until a lightning storm occurs.

"You must brew this potion yourself," Remus explained to her in his classroom following dinner. "I have gathered most of the ingredients for you. In addition, you will need a piece of your hair and the leaf."

Poppy promptly pulled a strand of hair from her head, placing it down with the ingredients. She retrieved her guidebook and opened it to the page which detailed the method for the potion.

It did not take long to complete. Poppy placed the leaf into a phial which was struck directly by the moonlight. Then, she added the strand of her hair followed by a teaspoon of dew. Lastly, she added a Death's-head Hawk Moth chrysalis before placing the phial in a dark place.

"Well done, darling," Remus praised. "Now we wait."


Poppy was very much in luck as it took only just over a week for a lightening storm to happen. She thought she would have to wait for months and was taken aback as the storm clouds rolled in, especially given how infrequent these sorts of storms were. Perhaps it was fate?

Just as the storm began to brew, Remus and McGonagall took Poppy down to a secluded area of the castle-grounds, right beside the edge of the forest.

"On the first lightning strike, the potion will turn blood red," Professor McGonagall explained. "You will then recite the incantation you have been reciting daily and then you must drink the potion."

Poppy held the phial in her hand tightly in anticipation. The three stood around, patiently waiting for the first strike to appear. The wind began to pick up and rain began to spit down.

And then it happened.

The potion turned a deep red colour.

"Amato animo animato Animagus," Poppy muttered before downing the liquid.

It left a rather unpleasant taste in her mouth. She used her sleeve to wipe away any excess potion from her lips.

Suddenly, Poppy began to feel disoriented. Her head felt heavy and her bones began to ache. Her gaze went to her hands which had quickly developed claws and white fur. She then realised that she was now on all fours.

She attempted to speak but a howl took its place. Much confusion spread across her mind.

"A wolf?" Remus asked, staring at Poppy.

"It seems rather appropriate, don't you think, Remus?" McGonagall remarked. "Animagi take the form of what is most practical for them."

Remus leant down and began to pet her fur. Poppy nuzzled her head into the inside of his elbow.

"You're a beautiful wolf, darling," he whispered to her, scratching her behind the ear. "You look like an Arctic Wolf. Your fur is a beautiful snow colour."


"Poppy!" Remus exclaimed aloud. "I can hear you. It's like when I'm transformed."

You can?

"I can," he answered.

How do I change back?

"Visualise yourself transforming back into human," Remus exclaimed. "I know you can do it."

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