Part 1

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The world ended in 3 days. No one saw it coming this soon but it happened the Bird Flu which used to go only from bird to person has spread from person to person and it won’t stop till everyone is dead. The government tried to hide it of course but they failed and it got out, contaminating the world in about 48 hours, it all started on September 3rd, 2015.

                I was in my living room hanging out will all my guys after a sleepover we had had the night before, even Mr. B and Sean were there which I was super happy about because I don’t get to spend a lot of time with them. Nathan had turned on the flat screen that Victor had bought against my will and started flipping through the channel looking for something to watch. He past the news station right as the spokes person said.

                “Important message to all viewers.” He kept flipping through channels but I told him to go back. Grumbling he reluctantly went back to the news station and turned up the volume.

                “This is a warning to all viewers. The virus known as the Bird Flu has manipulated so it can trable form person to person.” The spokes lady said in a serious voice, “we advise everyone to stay inside and not leave unless absolutely necessary and proceed with extreme caution. Thank you and have a nice day.” With that the channel goes to commercial. How do they expect us to ‘have a nice day’ if there is an extremely contagious virus out there?

                I look at all the guys wondering what we should do, I notice they are doing that silent communicating thing and wait patiently for them to come up with a plan.

                “Ok everyone we are going to wait a day and if there is no change we are going to pack up and move to the Academy safe house, is that clear.” Everyone mumbles a yes or something of that nature. “Good. Now we must prepare for the worst. North, Luke go into the kitchen and look for any food that we can bring with us if we must leave. Kota and Gabe go over to Kota’s house and get spare close for everyone, but be careful we don’t know if anyone else is infected. The rest of you prepare yourselves.” With that everyone gets moving. I stay where I am because I’m not sure what to do.

                “Hey, Aggele Mou, can you make us some of that cowboy stew with all the stuff that we can’t keep?” Silas asks while clutching his grumbling stomach.

                “Sure Superman” I say as I get up and walk into the kitchen. “North, Luke can you tell me what we have that we can’t take with us?”

                “Sure.” Luke replies and begins to list off the things that are going to stay here. When he finishes he asks “Why did you want to know?”

                “Silas asked me to make cowboy stew.” I say while pulling out the big pot I use whenever I make it.

                A few hours later after everyone has eaten their fill I put the rest in a thermos to take with us so none goes to waste. I go back into the living room and turn on the TV.

                “Important message.” The news reporter says. Here we go again. “Resent reports show that the infected humans with the Bird Flu have gone cannibalistic and are spreading the disease through biting people. No one knows how this started but we advise you to not leave your home for anything. The only way to tell if someone is infected is by a bite mark.” I turn it off and call the guys in telling them the latest news.

                “We need to leave tonight before things get worse. Everyone pack an extra pair of clothes and essentials we won’t be coming back. Kota, Uncle knows what to do in these situations and will know to get Jessica and Erica to a safe house that is close to where they are vacationing, we need to plan the safest route to the safe house. Gabe pack Kota’s bag.” We all get up and pack.

                Two hours later we are ready to leave. We walk out the door not looking back.

                It takes three days to reach the safe house and by the time we get there we are hot and tired. As we near the check in gate where the guards are posted I start to get nervous wondering if they will let me in because I’m not in the Academy or immediate family. I look around wondering if I should ask the guys. Reading my mind Sean turns around from where he is in front of me asking

                “You alright Pookie? We’re almost there then we can rest.”

                “Yeah I’m fine.” I lie I know I probably shouldn’t have since I can’t lie. Sean frowns coming up to me and taking my hands.

                “What’s wrong Sang?” he asks in a serious tone.

                “I’m just scared that they won’t let me through because I’m not in the Academy or immediate family.” I reply looking at my feet. Sean lets go of one of my hands putting his fingers under my chin lifting my face so I am looking directly into his eyes.

                “You’re family to us and that’s what counts you will be ok.” He says with confidence, and I believed him. Once it’s our turn at the gate they ask us our names and how old we are. When they let us through I let out a breath that I didn’t know I had been holding. As I near the second set of guards he asks me to lift my shirt sleeves and pant legs. I do and he bends down to inspect my legs for any cuts. He approves that then stands up tall again and looks at my arms. When he sees the bandage from a deep cut I got on the trip over he calls another guard over to take a look.

                After a few minutes they look at each other and the second one shakes his head. What does that mean? I think nervously. The first guard turns and shouts

                “We’ve got another one!” A third guard with a huge gun comes over and yanks my arm with a gloved hand.      

                “Excuse me but what are you doing?” I hear Mr. B say behind me as I get taken away.

                “She’s infected and has to be taken care of.” The second guard states.

                “SHE IS NOT FUCKING INFECTED!!!!” North bellows as the others start protesting. I keep getting dragged farther and farther away but I’m not going willingly I try and try to tug my arm out of his grip but he won’t let go, I look behind me desperately wishing for someone to help me. I see my boys being restrained as they try to reach me. I get pulled behind the building before I can call out to them. The guard shoves me to my knees with my back to him. I hear him load the gun and know I’m going to die. I think back to all my memories thinking of all the times I was the victim and realized I’m tired of it. I quickly think back to my many self defense lessons.

                I turn kicking my leg out as I go so it trips him causing him to fall to the side. As he falls he tries to fire grazing my arm but I don’t feel anything in that moment all I can think is I have to get away and figure out how to get to my boys. As he hits the ground I punch him in the head to knock him out. I grab his gun since I know how to use it since my lessons with Raven last summer consisted of gun training and handling. I know I can’t go back to the boys right now as much as I wish I could the other guards would kill me on sight. I run in the opposite direction crying as I get farther and farther away from the only family to truly love me.

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