Running After You

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He is running towards me, grabbing my waist and dragging me close to his body. My body is pressed against his. I can feel his heart racing. His strong hands on my hips. I can feel his warmth. He looks me deep in the eyes, his pupils getting even bigger. I've never seen such beautiful dark grey, with a little hint of dark brown, eyes.

S: «Be more careful, you almost got hit by a car.»

The black car is still in front of us. The motor of the car is still running. The drivers eyes still focused on the road in front of him.
Something seems very wrong...

S: «This wasn't a coincidence, they wanted to knock you down.

Me: «Wait, what do you mean by that?»

S: «Hold on, I will tell you later.»

He grabs my hand and starts running.

(In my head): What's going on? Where are we going?

He suddenly stops, grabbing his car keys and unlocks his car.

S: «C'mom we can't lose time.»

Me: «Can you please tell me what's going on??»

S: «They are after you.»

Me: «Who?»

S: «I'm afraid I can't tell you right now, we need to go NOW!»

Me: «Why are they after me?»

S: «They want to kill me.»

Me: «What does this have to do with me? Why did they almost ran me over when they are trying to kill YOU??? I don't get it. Can you EXPLAINE please?! NOW!

S: «Keep calm, im going to protect you. I promise.»

Me: «Protect yourself first and let me go!»

S(mumbling): Fuck, they know me too well...aish...

Me: «Why?»

S: «I'm sorry but I can't let you go, if they kill you, they kill me too...»

Before he says something again, he grabs my wrist and drags me in his car.

S: «Put on your safety belt, this ain't gonna be an easy ride.»

Without saying anything, I put on my safety belt.

S: «You ready?»

Me: «Ready for what?»

S: «You will see soon.»

With that he starts the engine of the car and drives off. Within a few seconds we are already on a speed of 100 kmh/62 mph.

I look in the rear-view mirror and see the black car that almost run me over, following us.

Me: «The black from earlier is following us!»

S: «Fuck!»

He speeds up and races around the corner. The next thing I hear are gunshots. Then everything went black...

A few hours later

S: «Thank god you are awake.»

Me: «Hmmm? What happened?»

S: «I guess you passed out after you heard the gunshots but I was busy with making sure I'm getting you out of danger.»

Me: «Oh...I remember I guess.»

S: «Did you got injured?»

Me: «No I think not, but are we safe now?»

S: «Yes we finally made it.»

I can hear that he says that with a shy smile and that shy smile makes me smile too.

Me: «Thank you Suga. Thank you for saving me.»

I look to my left and see his relieved face. A soft blush creeping up his face. It's adorable.

S: «No need to thank me, I just did what I had to do.»

Me: «Why were they even after me? Have I done something wrong?»

S: «It's actually not about you, it's all about me. When they found out I wasn't able to pay them back they started to blackmail me. At first I thought they didn't know me too well but once I figured out that they know my biggest weakness, I knew that there was no way out anymore...»

Me: «What is your biggest weakness then?»
I ask with a concerned voice.

His beautiful eyes are filled with tears. He's starring in the dark night sky as a tear is falling down his cheek.

S: «You.»

It feels like someone took away my voice. I want to say something but I'm unable to do so right now.

S: «Once they found out that I love you, they blackmailed me with killing you. And I can't let that happen, of course. You can live without me but I know, I can't without you. I can't live with the burden of you gotten killed because I was unable to pay them back. I'm so sorry for falling in love with you. I'm so sorry for scaring you so much.»

I'm putting my hand on his cheek and caress it softly.

Me: «It's not your fault, nobody knew this was gonna happen.»

We are locking eyes and I see all the love he has for me in it. My cheeks starting to blush as well.

S: «You are so beautiful.»

I lean in and connect my lips with his. They are so soft and taste sweet like cherries. Butterflies softly spreading in my stomach and my heart starting to beat faster. It isn't a wild kiss but a kiss full of love.

S: «사랑해(I love you)»

Me: «나도 사랑해(I love you too)»

The End

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