chapter 11

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          day 6

"NOWHERE to be seen, boss."

Pan reached his hand forward to grasp the incoming ball between his fingers. His raven hair was dripping from perspiration so as he shook his head, droplets flicked through the air. He turned to face Koren who was wringing his wrist nervously. "You're telling me that I leave you, idiots, alone for twenty minutes and all six of you manage to lose a frail little girl with no idea where she could have gone."

Koren smiled sheepishly and sent him a shrug. "None of us had specific shifts to watch her so we just assumed she'd stayed put, you know?"

He cringed at the sudden impact of the rubber ball, shooting Pan a surprised questioning look. "What in the bullocks was that for, mate?" He asked, rubbing the sore spot on the left side of his head.

Pan mockingly shrugged his shoulders, scrunching his face up to look like an idiot. "Sorry, just assumed it would stay put in the air."

With one hand on his head and the other pointing accusingly at Pan, he took a few steps backward on the grass. "You, my guy, need to see a therapist."

Pan rolled his eyes, as the ball he'd thrown back up descended smoothly into his grip. "Whatever, she couldn't have gotten far. She's out in the woods alone and the sun sets soon." He pointed out. "If some wild animal doesn't eat her then the Hykflin probably will. Not my problem anymore."

"Well, you're a delight, aren't you?" Koren said as his eyebrows jumped and fell at Pan's words. "What about those memories November saw? And the way she blocked him." He crossed his arms over his chest. "Aren't you even in the least bit curious to know what that's all about."

Pan clenched his jaw and squeezed the ball between his hand, not in the mood to deal with all the questions and talking. "Koren." He put his hands outwards, exasperated. "Please shut up. I don't care what happens to her. If November has such a big problem with it he can deal with it on his own. I have more important things to deal with."

Koren threw his hands in the air, defensively. "Alright man, your call."

It was true, though. He did have something bigger to deal with; the Hykflin.

Pan didn't know how word got out so fast since their night at the Bearclaw but he knew that if small tribes and old ladies he met at the watering hole knew about Willa, the Hykflin did too.

He didn't need nor did he want them all up in their personal space. For years, their home had stayed a secret. Protected by majik, it was almost impossible to find unless you were a black majik witch. Those didn't exist. The only reason Willa had been allowed exposure to their location was because they were desperate, tired, and had nowhere else to put her. If they'd lay her outside in the evenings, something would have shred her body piece by piece. Not that Pan fully minded.

But the Hykflin did exist and they were always out for blood, as far as Pan knew. If news traveled to them that 'the treasure' was under the protection of the seven boys, it would take little to no hesitation for them to spill blood in order to claim 'the treasure'.

Pan had spent time and thought collecting devices and stocking food just for all his work to be at threat because a whiny little orphan didn't know how to shut that big mouth of hers and stay invisible. Pan never wanted treasure, he never wanted anything shiny or exhilarating. He wanted to lay low and live a simple life.

Sure, he required impulsivity every now and then but didn't everyone?

This wasn't a fable where he won and made it out alive with the girl and a life lesson. He didn't want the girl, he didn't want the treasure, and he definitely didn't want the Hykflin to end his life. The last thing he wanted was to see the ugly scarred face of a growling gremlin with bubble muscles as he took his last breath.

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