Chapter 14

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A/N: I made some edits throughout the story! Just a heads-up in case the comments seem strange, lol.


"Okay, but how do I blast someone with magic laser beams? Like Iron Man. But with magic."

"Really? Stark? Everything he does is basically the opposite of the mystic arts," Stephen said, not looking up from the thin silvery book Wong had brought for him. Who knew what the title was; it literally changed and blurred every time she looked at the spine or cover.

"Why do you want to be like Iron Man?" Wong asked. He was sitting at the kitchen island, looking through their massive pile of restaurant brochures. Between the two of them, she and Stephen had accumulated a sizeable stack. The pile was normally confined to a box that sang old songs every time you opened it; Stephen hadn't had another use for it, and he had only looked mildly exasperated when he discovered that she was using the Container of Forgotten Melodies to hold restaurant hand-outs and a few coupons.

"I don't really want to be like him, but I like his lasers." She pointed at Stephen. "Aaaand at this point, I understand magic more than I understand how his laser beams work. So I'm closer to having magic laser beams than I am to having science laser beams." Casey closed the book she had been flipping through. "And you guys can't lie to me, I know there has to be a laser beam spell."

Stephen rolled his eyes. "No one's lying to you. We don't do laser beams."

She gave Wong a long-suffering look that was heavy with commiseration because he obviously knew how difficult Stephen was to deal with.

"I think I know of similar spells," Wong said, ignoring the glare Stephen gave him, "First these books, then more."

"Can we borrow some cookbooks next time?" Casey had never had so much takeout in her entire life. Her gramps might not've been the best cook, but he could make a few very well and at least half of their meals were homemade. She never would've thought she would miss his asparagus and chicken casseroles, but...yeah. She missed a lot of things. But she was growing around the ache, and it didn't loom over her as much as it did, which sometimes made her feel guilty.

Stephen's eyes cut over the top of his book at her. "You're really determined about this, aren't you?"

"Look, you don't have to learn. I'll figure it out."

Stephen's eyebrow twitched. "I can—"

"I am not sure if you'd like the cookbooks in the library," Wong said, "But come to Kamar-Taj, and we can work on a few easy recipes so you do not starve."

"She's not starving," Stephen said coolly, "I can cook."

"No, I'll learn." Casey made a face. "You hate it."

"I don't hate cooking," Stephen argued, "I never had a lot of time for it. It's never been my favorite hobby."

"What can you cook?" Wong asked, the smallest of smirks on his face. "Eggs? Macaroni and cheese?"

Stephen stared at both of them before turning away to focus on the order from the Peruvian place. Casey smirked and shared a glanced with Wong, who looked amused.

"In any case, you should start coming to Kamar-Taj for extra training." He held another book out to her as Stephen gave him a sideways glance. "This one is exceptional for meditation practices."

"Exciting," Casey said, lifting her eyebrows as she took the hefty book from him. It was heavy enough that she had to pull to her chest and cradle it against her elbows. "Why's it like fifty pounds?"

"We meditate often," Wong said, and she could swear he was teasing her.

"Uh-huh," she said, lowering it to the table and shoving it toward the rest of the hoard.

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