What is this mystical feeling!???!!!?

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     Dillon couldn't pay much attention to the meeting after that. All that was running through her head were questions about what just happened. "Why is Jar jar Binks here? Why do I f-feel this way? Is this what love is? Why is he so hot? And why does the force ship us?" She thought.

     In contrast to her, Jar jar seemed to recover quite fast. He went straight into his speech about how he deserves to be a Jedi.

     "Yousa don't get it master windu! Meesa have the force Meesa could be a Jedi!"

     Dillon finally got out of her head and turned all her attention to the meeting. Everyone looked bored out of their mind. Mace windu looked like he wanted to slap a bitch. Their negative feelings were palpable in the force.

     Their emotions made Dillon a bit uncomfortable, especially since they were feeling negative towards this beautiful hunk of man meat in front of her. The light from the sun was bouncing off of his voluptuous skin making him look angelic as he stands in front of the Jedi. She was in awe of him! He's just so-

     No I must focus on the meeting!

     Mace Windu was about to throw Jar Jar out of the council room when Yoda cut him off. "Hmmmmm" Yoda looked lost in thought, his eyes were closed and he seemed to be looking into the force. Everyone stared at the green little dude, waiting for his wisdom. Yoda's eyes suddenly opened and he raised his hand to point at the Gungan. "Actually, not a bad idea giving Jar Jar Jedi training is"

     A wave of surprise went through every Jedi in the room. Especially Mace Windu, "WHAT?!?" he screamed awesomely because he's Mace Windu, "you can't be serious!" He added. Everyone nodded in agreement.

     "Oh but serious I am." Yoda giggled and wiggled his little Jedi feet. It was clear on his face that he was enjoying this. "I foresee, because of Jar Jar, a better path the galaxy will be on"

      Even Dillon was surprised by this. Yes, the Gungan in front of her was the most beautiful creature she has ever seen. And yes, his nipples were still attentive. But Jar jar a Jedi? And a Galaxy changing Jedi at that? Impossible! She decided to stay quiet instead of voicing her concerns

     Jar Jar was absolutely beaming at yoda's words. His eyes lit up, his toothy grin widened, and he started drooling all over the floor. His nips twitched where they stood. "Yousa mean it master Jedi?" Jar jar said whilst clenching.

     Yoda smiled, eyes softening. "I do" he said.

     All the Jedi were speechless. Fivehead's forehead was pulsing, his viens throbbing. Obi-wan looked exhausted. Just another Tuesday for him. His head was in his hands and he just sighed and slowly shook his head. Alas, poor Obi-wan.

    "I hope you don't expect me to train him" Mace windu said.

     Yoda giggled! "Oh no macey wacey poo, on the contrary, more luck I think jar jar would have being trained by master Dillon." Said Yoda

     Dillon was dumbfounded, "Wut?" She said. Jar jars eyes lit up even more. He started panting. Ew

     Dillon was going to faint from everything that has happed today. Jar jar just comes back into her life and now she needs to train him to be a jedi? This doesn't make sense. No one even knew that he was force sensitive, and even so, he's much too old. Why would Yoda of all people not only ok this training, but actively encourage it? He barely let Anakin, now one of the strongest Jedi knights, have training and he was only nine years old.

     Yoda turned to look at her, his eyes peering into her soul. "Master Dillon, I trust you will be the best Jedi to train him." The room fell silent, heads all looking at Dillon and Yoda. "I both have faith in you and the force young one, and I do not doubt that you are the best for the job. Accept do you?" Yoda's words drifted in the room waiting for a response.

     As much as Dillon's heart was ecstatic to have the opportunity to spend time with mr. Binks, her mind was confused and wary. Dillon could train him but her feelings might get in the way. Even if she wanted to pursue her love, the order forbids it. She can't let herself fall for him at any cost. She could totally do that. She's professional.

     Dillon takes a deep breath. in and out. She looks around the room at the master's anticipating faces until her eyes land on jar jar. She stares at him for a bit and he stares right back at her then she looks back at Yoda and finally answers "I will train him to the best of my ability master Yoda"

     The Jedi don't even know what's going on anymore. They're all sitting in their seats just watching the chaos. Yoda smiled "Great you will do. I know it"

     "When do we start with the training?" Dillon asked

     Yoda giggled again "Right now" he said."everyone out, shoo"

     The Council members blink, look around at one another, then start making their way towards the door until every one of them is gone. Dillon and Jar jar stare into each others eyes for a few seconds more then decide to get up and join the rest of the group.

     The room is left empty except for Yoda and Mace Windu. The door slams shut.

     Mace turns to Yoda. "Are you seriously making jar jar a Jedi? Plus you saw how they were looking at each other? Kriff we felt it! Why do they get a pass!" He paused, took a deep breath, then continued "why do they get to love, Yoda?"

     At this point, Mace Windu was losing his anger and looking heartbroken. His usual impressive poker face was dissolving, Yoda could start to see his emotions plain on his face. Yoda could feel them. His pain cut into him like a knife.

     The taller man sits there, waiting for the goblin's response. Yoda looks down at his toes. His pointy ears were starting to droop. He finally looks back at the man. Yoda's also losing his stoic expression, eyes starting to glisten.

     "Mace. . ." Yoda speaks "I think it's time the order should get some changes"

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