cute habits

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a/n: their cute habits/things they do :)

Tubbo 🐝
-he smiles and laughs a lot, even at dumb things
-sets alarms on his phone and never remembers what they're for
-he brings you random objects and he's like "here. smell this" and then anxiously waits for your reaction

-he always plays with your bracelet or ring if you're wearing one
-makes the funniest facial expressions, sometimes he just stares at something with his mouth hanging open like :0
-constantly sends you weird Tiktoks that were on his fyp

-whenever he sees you he gets so excited, even if you've been apart for less than a day he's always like "Y/N I MISSED YOU!!!"
-he's always humming a song to himself
-when he's really happy sometimes he starts talking in Spanish without realizing

-writes little messages on sticky notes and leaves them all over your house for you to find
-he likes to take pictures of anything and everything, and he also takes a lot of pictures of you and him together
-whenever he posts a new Tiktok he's constantly checking it afterwards to see who liked it and what the comments say
-runs his hand through his hair a lot (🥵)

-not a habit but he likes to have you watching in the room while he streams, since he doesn't use a face cam no one else knows and when you're with him it makes him super happy :)
-if he sees something in a store or online that he thinks you'll like, he just buys it for you
-he likes to show you fanarts of him and have you judge how close the artist got to what his face actually looks like

-matches his outfits to yours and paints your nails for you
-not really a habit but i feel like he would have the cutest sneezes ever
-he always fixes your clothes for you, like straightening out your sleeve or adjusting your collar

-holds your hand everywhere you go out and he'll hold your purse/bag for you
-he always tries to include you in things he does because he never wants you to feel left out
-puts his hand on your thigh while he's driving (😳)

-holds doors open for you and overall he is such a gentleman
-makes you food and meals and his food is really good
-he language's everyone, sometimes even strangers without thinking about it

-he's always giving you compliments
-listens to music all the time
-if he sees something that reminds him of you, like a pretty flower, he'll immediately take a picture of it and send it to you

Jack Manifold🍔
-makes you custom memes and texts them to you
-whenever he makes a joke (which he does a lot) he starts laughing at it even if no one else is laughing
-if you buy new clothes he wants you to give him a fashion show of what you bought (he'll do it for you too if you want)

Philza 🪶 (platonic)
-whenever he sees a sweet animatic, edit, fanart, etc. about him and his wife he immediately texts it to her
-checks up on you a lot through texts and calls to see how you're doing
-he always says "stay safe" whenever you go out/do something adventurous (if that makes sense...)

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