iv. advice

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Chapter 4

  Harry's POV

    She got sexier, much sexier, don't get me wrong she was always beautiful, but she matured. I tried my best to focus on her face instead of her beautiful body. I tried to apologize but her fiestiness shut me up, and I didn't know what to do. Now I'm standing here looking at the door that she walked out of, hurt.

  She didn't understand why I did what I did. Why I never called back, or tried to visit. She didn't get it. And I want to make her understand. I need for her to understand that my feelings for her never changed and I'll do anything to prove it.

Leigh-Anne's POV
I would be lying if Harry's confession didn't make me think. If he still had feelings for me and felt so "strongly" about them why did he not make an effort when we were together.

I reach for my phone and dialed the first number at the top of my recent calls.

"Hello, King speaking."

"Really, Lou." I chuckle his silliness already slightly cheering me up.

"I know, I know I'm hilarious. But why are you calling shouldn't you be getting Zayn coffee or washing his feet?"

"No Louis I do actually work, but also I um, um.."

"I think I'll turn 24 by the time you tell me what you want to say." I softly laugh, and clear my throat.

"I'm not Zayn's assistant, I'm Harry's."

"Wow, okay how did that go."

"Well in the span of about 4 hours we got into two arguments, and in the second one he said I make him crazy and he still has feelings for me." I breathe out. I grab a curl from my head and begin to twirl it nervously.

"To be honest Leigh, I don't know why he decided to throw that at you. He never called back or was there for you, when he left. Like a good boyfriend is supposed to do. And I honestly think that he could be telling the truth. But he isn't trying hard enough if his girlfriend is still there." I nod my head, agreeing with everything. I really think Louis should become a counselor or something, because he always knows what to say.

"Thank you Lou, my very wise friend. I really needed that. I got to go. Love you."

"Love ya too. Make smart decisions. And follow the Lou bricked road!" I chuckle at his horrible joke. And hang up my phone.


"Five more shots this way bartender!" Perrie shouts. I laugh at her rowdiness, she downed more than five drinks since we've gotten here.

After work I saw Zayn and Perrie in the parking lot and they invited me for drinks. Which I accepted happily. I really needed a drink, to relax me from the day I been through.

Jade and Jesy were also coming, them being the two of the three girl friends I actually had. Louis' also felt he wanted to tag along. So now here we all are, at the Bar talking and drinking.

"Niall ya Irish son of bitch, where is the drinks!" Louis shouts.

"Aye! Shud up, you Doncaster loving cunt!" Niall shouts back as he balances two trays of drinks and sets them down on the tables we pushed together.

"Here ya go, on the house!" Everybody cheers and grabs a drink.

"So how was your first day Leigh." Jade says as see spins her straw in her drink.

"It was eventful I would say, it was a surprise knowing I was going to be Harry's assistant but you know, I got through the day." I shrug and laugh it off.

"I'm sorry Leigh, I swear if my job hadn't fired me, you wouldn't have to go through all that." Perrie speaks up looking down on her drink.

"Guys its fine, i would want my fiance as my assistant as well. No worries. It is what it is."

Everyone begins to laugh at my usage of the quote from Louis' tattoo. And he playfully glares. "Hey that's for my use only." He says, then laughs.  

"Well just know when ever you need anything ask, M'sorry I didn't tell you before hand, but it was last minute." Zayn says eyes filled with sincerity.

"I will definitely keep that in mind. But let's not make this night all about me. I want this time to hang out with my friends." Everyone nods in approval. Starting to continue are light conversations.

"Aye Blondie, how bout another round." Jesy shouts and I smile.

What would i do without my friends.

So...how was that. Next chapter we are introduced to Harry's GF..ew.Vote & CommentThanks for reading! -OG


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