There has to be a beginning right?

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6:40 am

" Excuse me, but are you Ms. Mcfarland?"

"Yes, and who are you?"

"Oh my name's Georgeanne. I just switched from the other Psychology class," Georgeanne spoke softly, as not to advert many eyes in her direction. 

"Class, we have a new student, her name is.." 

"Georgeanne Everly" She spoke loudly.

"Right, please be kind, I'm sure some of you know her."

Georgeanne glanced around the room and caught sight of an old friend and waved.

"Miss Everly, you can take that seat to the right over there by Asher."

He looked up at the sound of his name. He flashed a quick smile and went back to talking to the girl at the table to his left. 

She slowly walked to her seat, nervous to make a scene. He turned, looked her up and down and then went back to talking. 

After the bell rang, Georgeanne quickly got up and left, not before she heard Asher snort behind her as she left. 

*Fast Forward 2 months*

"Well you know if you move the camera this way, like this, your pictures would have the same style as Henri Cartier-Bresson's" Asher said as he softyl touched Georgeanne's hands to shift the camera.

"Okay then, Mr Know-it-All why dont you just do it yourself," Georgeanne retorted. 

"Because Georgie, I'm already good, we're trying to help you here," Asher said as he smiled looking into Georgeanne's green eyes.

"Have you asked her out yet?" 

"What? Maddie? No not yet. Why?"

"Becuase I've been telling you to and you always say 'Yeah tomorrow.' Well Ash it's tomorrow, Grow a pair and ask her out." 

"Fine then," He replied as he walked over to Maddie's table.

Georgeanne watched with clear sadness in her eye. She would never tell him, but she liked him. He was your typical teenager though, that dated every girl and just liked their bodies. Her body wasnt bad but it wasn't your thigh-gap, bleach blonde hair, like all of the other girls. 

"Well what did she say?" She said trying to sound as happy as a girl in love with their best friend could. 

"Georgie, no one says no to 'The Asher.'" 

"God, Ash you're such an arrogant asshole!" She squealed as He grabbed her sides making her squeal even louder. 

*The bell for lunch to end sounds off*

"Well Georgie, ily but I must go." 

"Right, ily2, I'll see you 'round." 


My thoughts are all over the place for right now, but I think I have an idea where this is headed. Let me know if you like it!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2015 ⏰

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