Judus Iscariot (⚠️TW⚠️)

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A heavy hand landed on her, the grip was inflexible; she steadied her breath and tried to swallow the lump in her throat, the presence behind her felt dark and of low vibration, the whole room felt villainous. "where are you going," France asked gravely

"I'm leaving" Hope replied assertively, when on the inside she was horror-struck by the sudden switch in France's character she twisted her shoulder but it did nothing his grip hadn't even tightened

"I suggest that you stop and think about what you may be getting yourself into" France cautioned.

Hope didn't believe it, he'd admitted to not wanting to kill her, so what was there to fear really, she could get away with it right? he didn't want her life; she inwardly repeated to justify her insubordination. To her, the entire room was filled with poker faces, she was pretending to have dominance and he was pretending that he'd hurt her; she'd finally come to the conclusion that she could walk away from this man with ease, the fear that travelled through her body had disappeared and she felt safe in her own skin. "I'm not afraid of yo-" her words were abbreviated with an indignitating blow; her head stayed in the direction of the slap that cut away from her pride, her vision adjusted and the nerves in her cheek sent the message to the brain for processing.

Her face felt hot, and suddenly wet, as her tear glands now felt the need to expose her pain, her eyes were wide and mouth gaped, lips trembled and her fuzzy twist that hung in her face stopped letting gravity swing them. Her body now getting a chance to exercise what happened, let down a single stream of thick red blood; it flowed down her nose on to her lips and she forcefully exhaled almost like she were choking. Not even getting a chance to fully explore the consequences of France's action she was rammed onto the table where her neglected cold cup of lemon grass tea and half eaten bread stayed.

Chills ran through her body as she knew what was coming, the position carried her back to hours prior, it was happening again, she held her breath for the sting that she'd felt but it never came, instead she felt a torturing swindle of pain shooting from between her legs. It was like no other, it was unbearable she had to breathe, she tried to exhale, but screamed, she reached at the air as if there was someone there to pull her from her agony, her screams echoed and the cup of cold memories rocked with the aggression against the table, her unwillingness made pricking a chore, but he didn't give up, she was still bruised from the event hours before, blood from her last victim story still dry between her upper thigh; old met new as fresh blood flowed unendingly, making his job easier as now he had some sort of lubricant, it was cruel, using the blood of another for his satisfaction, hearing the screams of a young girl, they were dangerous and deafening, her screams that she pulled from her stomach, her blood dripping on the old golden floor, where it would stain like a marked territory.

The house rocked rhythmically and the table where her head pressed was covered in her bloody nose, unconscious tears and lemon grass tea. Hope looked at Sophie who was standing on the other side of the table, she reached over and placed her hand on Hopes head, it was a moment that she'd remember forever, it was the moment that caused her to realize, that when it boiled down,when all her family left, her friends disappeared, and the memories fade, all she had was herself.

Hope, was too weak to fight anymore, she couldn't feel her legs, she'd screamed her liver string out; but she learnt about a character she'd remember her whole life, in that room, she was the only poker face, he was the only Judas.

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