"And you are..?" (Part 1)

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It's time to go shopping, you thought, as you got up from your afternoon nap.  "Y/N!" You heard your step-mum call from the kitchen. "It's time for you to go shopping!"

You sighed. That's how every week went for you. Going shopping every Monday and coming back with the same groceries. You just wished that something interesting could happen in your life- just once!

You got up and walked into the kitchen. "Oh, I thought you would take longer- here sweetie," your step-mum said, handing you a plastic bag and some money. "What were you doing up there?" She asked. "I just woke up from my nap" you replied, getting a bit impatient with your boring life.

After that you put on your shoes and walked out of the house.

You started to wonder if anything or anyone could change your life. Of course, it could always happen, but it would be very rare if something did happen. You weren't used to sudden changes happening as you were when you were younger. You remember that time when you were playing with one of your friends-you were around seven years old. You were just playing hide and seek outside with eachother when all of a sudden a dog started chasing you two and you both started running away.

You laughed at the memory.

If that happened just now, you just walking to the shops, you wouldn't really run. You would just stand there wondering where the dog came from.

You were just about to enter the shop when someone caught your attention. It was a guy? No! It was a boy! You had no idea. For some reason his face was covered with two white masks, one over his mouth and nose and the other mask over where his eyes were suppose to be. His hair was a normal shade of brown. He was wearing gloves and a thick scarf over his neck.

He seemed normal, you thought, but why was he covering himself so much?

If you were thinking straight, you would of just left the guy alone and just kept on going with your life. But of course you had to stay, glued to the spot. Of course you had to stare at him. 

And of course you started to follow him around.

The guy kept on walking and didn't stop one bit. But you didn't mind. Walking was a kind of sport, and you enjoyed sports a lot.

After a few minutes of following the guy, you started to notice how dark it was starting to be and how the street lights were already turning on. What time is it? Was it seriously night already?

Soon the guy came to a halt, stopping dead on his tracks. You stopped walking and hid yourself behind a trash can. Thank goodness the trash bin was there!

He seemed to be looking around, shaking and nodding his head as if there was someone talking to him. 

That's when curiosity got the best of you and you walked up to him.

"Um, excuse me?" You asked loudly so that he could hear you. He stopped moving his head and turned towards you. That's when you noticed how mysterious and scary he looked from a close-up and you started to have second thoughts about coming to talk to him. Maybe you should of stayed behind the trash can after all.

"Hello" he said, sounding rather irritated. You frowned and wondered if he was really talking to someone and if you really just interrupted his little chat with whoever he was talking to.

You couldn't really say anything, so you just said the first thing that came from your mind. "Who are you?" You blurted out. What the hell?! Why did you ask that!?

"That's none of your business." He said casually. He didn't sound so irritated now. He just acted as if he was used to the question being asked. "I can tell you my name, it's Y/N" you said desperately, now really wanting to know his name. You couldn't see his facial expression, but you could see how he shrugged carelessly at you. "And you are..?"

You left the question hanging so that he could answer it. 

But he never did.

You sighed, now noticing how hopeless this was. Maybe he was just a normal guy and was just covering himself up since he was shy. That sounded stupid,  but very convincing.

Just as you were about to turn around and walk away, he cleared his throat as though to get your attention. You stayed rooted on the spot, wondering whether it was safe to walk away or to stay. 

"My name is Michael" he said reluctantly. You didn't understand. Nobody forced him to say it. Well, you did in a way, but you weren't expecting an answer. Not really.

For a moment you had a weird thought that Michael was crazy. But that only lasted for a second since you shook the thought off. 

"You were following me, weren't you?" He asked. You had a feeling that he was smiling under the mask, but you couldn't really tell.

You didn't answer. You couldn't. Your mouth was wide open. How did he know? His eyes were blocked by the mask, so how did he know?

"You shouldn't follow people. Especially those you don't know." Michael said. His voice was a bit muffled from the mask, but for you he was speaking as though he wasn't wearing anything on his face. "I'm sorry" you said, afraid if he would attack you.

He was now facing the other way and facing the far distance. You now decided to pay more attention to your surroundings. 

The sky was fully dark now which only meant that it was night. One of the street lights kept flashing, which was a bit uncomfortable. The buildings around you looked so empty. Some of the windows were shattered, leaving a lot of cobwebs on the edges. Great. You got lost.

"Um, Michael, I think I'm lost" you say quietly, more to yourself than him.

"Oh?" He replied. That was unexpecting coming from him. But then again, you didn't really know him. "Can you take me back to my neighbourhood?" You asked, now highly concerned of what was happening at home. You had a weird image of your step-mum talking to some policemen, telling them how you went missing.

"I could. But we're quite far away. Would you like to walk back with me?" Michael offered. You stared at him for what seemed like forever. Then, without saying anything, you turned around and walked by yourself, not wanting to walk back with him. 

After a while of walking, you found yourself in a familiar street. Yes! You made it back to your neighbourhood! You ran towards your home, as quickly as your feet could go. Once on the doorway, you opened the door slowly and noticed that your step-mum was sleeping on the sofa.

Just great!

That's when you noticed she was sitting up on the sofa now.  "Sweetie, why is your bag empty?" She asked tiredly. You stopped your thoughts of rage and looked down your bag.

It was empty.

So much just to go shopping!

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