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Sophie and her friends all held hands as they jumped off the cliff running away from the Neverseen members. This was not the first time they had tracked them down to their hideout, but it was getting quite sad and annoying. Sophie built up energy in her mind and blasted it out, creating a crack into the void. She closed her eyes and concentrated on the place she wanted to go most. She concentrated on her home but her eyes watered as she remembered what her home had been like before the Neverseen. She felt the route shift a bit so she didn't think much about it. Oh was she wrong to do that.

She and her friends fell onto the ground and looked up at Havenfield. Something was... off. They all realised what was wrong. "Uuuuhhhh where's the gate and where's the entire FORCEFIELD!!!" Biana whispered, in case the Neverseen was around. But one look around and it was clear to Sophie and Keefe. Sophie groaned and Keefe smirked. "Nice one Foster, now how are we going to get out of this situation" 

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