Me ranting about classmates.

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I wanna kill two of my classmates. I have very good reasons on why because over the span of being in class with them for two years I've heard alot of messed up shitty things. The people i wanna kill is a guy who use to be in my friend group but he isn't really now. He's been in 1 or 2 old videos. He made jokes about r@p€ saying things like "I wanna r@p€ insert name" And would start laughing while everybody stared at him. Thats not even the worst thing he's done he asks questions about your body snd make you uncomfortable as fuck especially if your a girl. Since I'm not out yet to my friends in fucking scared to just because of him and another guy who is always talking about lgtbq+ and says stuff like "I wanna fuck a trans girl but that would make me gay" or Asking if you like a person who is the same gender as you and then screams it to the class. If I come home from school in a bad mood that's the reason I'm in class with two complete and utter imbosciles. Thank you for coming here. 

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