Untitled Part 1

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it was a summer afternoon............ and harry was depressed. he was so so so so so so so sadd... bc edrag changed his name.. to edgar.

"it's a shame to the drag community!" said harry in agony. "fuck uuuuuuuuu" said edrag (at the time.). "harry tried n tried but he couldnt make edrag see...... he was Not getting the 5000$ tip from ru tonight.

harry decided that it was time to go outside and potty. he wore this outpit  which was super cute. he walked outside and after his poty he came by a coofee shop. he stared at the bartsta who was wearing this & her eyes were blue & her haie was blonde (she was Aryan). It reminded harry of his ex.. but that's not going to stop him from getting his coffe (to hrelp him potty later). 

"hi! welcome to starbucks!!1" said Roni, the worker, wiele hising tears behind her eyes. "i canut believe capitalism.... im going to have to work untitr workerl i DIEEEE wwwAAAAAAAA" harry fellt bad but.. he wannted the ciooffee. "can i get a venti vanilla bean frappe with cinamonne & two pumps caramel sauce & one pump cranbarry syrup & three shots of exsprexso & almond oat milk? and cold foam please." 

another worker walked in. he was wearin the same outsfitt as Roni. but he wasnt crying

"ill ddo this order, you can go fry abourt capitalism in the corner"

harry gasppedt. the second barista was a pale incel looking moterfucker' but he clearly sucked cock. he was the true omega, submissive and breedable...............

"yes i would like a vemti caramel sugar rush maciato with three express pumps and seven shots of vodka" harry stutterered/

"im going to spit in your cawfee you whore" the barista muttered. but haRry HEARD IT ALL!Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"no111111111111111111111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" harry shopued, slapping the batista.


"..what?" harry said shyly & blinked. 

"anal." said the worker. "we are do it later?" harry nodfded shyly& nodded.

"here's your grande cappuchini with frappe syrup & exerciso." harry smiled shyly & took the drink shyly. he said "t-t-t-t-t-t-t-thanks" he stutte4red. "no worries "winked the Man. "see u later xoxo" hessaid.

harry smiled in his direction & winked at roni (still crying in the cirner). uif u work hard enuff u can be a billionaire like jeff bezos :) he said.." . she said "t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-thanks." & got right back up to the counter.

later that day harry stood outside the coofeew shop. je wad to go potty again and a bit of semeen dripped from his pee pee. he was already excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the incel worker was closing the shoop. he was still wearing the starbucks uniform but his pants were haningt low and harry could see his pale thin muclies.

"ohh. you again' the worker said. he loooked surprised to see harry, but in his eyeyes you could see............................................................. lusrt/


u can imagine what happened xDDDDDD lol hahahahah image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAoHCBYWFRgVFRYYGBgZGhgYGhwaGBoYGRwaGBgZGRwcGRwcIS4lHCErHxgaJjgmKy8xNTU1GiQ7QDszPy40NTEBDAwMDw8PEA8RETQdGB00MTE/PzQxMTExMT8xMTExMTQxMTExMTExMTExMTExMTExMTExMTExMTExMTExMTExMf/AABEIAL4BCgMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAb- if u need a reference :)

afterwards david pulled out a cigarette. he said "gimme thaty hot smokin ass harold," & harry blushed & turned so his bottom was facing david. david stroked a match on H's behind & lit his cigarette. he took a long drag & it made harry remember....... EDRAG

"EDRAG :(:(:(:(:(:(:(" HARRY SIGHED THINKING about his lover the auther of such books as .Missing kisisnger and pipilines award winning israeli authorship>

'whos Edrag?" david asked.

"edrag is the love of my lufe" harry said'

"NO HES NOOOOIOO)OOT" said david & grABBED HARRY BY TEH HAIR &\ FUCKED HIM BOOBJOB STYLE BUT THE BOOBS WERE HIS BALLS. harry also came after dsdavid came & saID "U ARE RIGHT BUT.. EDRAG NEEDS OUT HELP. HE SAID & STARTED SUCKING HIS COCK AGAIN. " "harruy" said david "hhhhhhhhyuh" he said. harry said "glepmlemghelpgm" happily & smiled but HIS TEET6H BIT OFF DAVIDS DICK & HE CALLED THE AMBULANCE. 

*** --- *** --- *** --- *** -- *** --- *** --- *later, in da hospital* --- *** --- *** --- *** --- *** -- *** --- ***

this is worse than when i was in buchenwld" david sayd/ "and my mother died there"

"u were in holocaust???? but thats nopt real!!!11!!!"

"shut up, id fuck you boobjob style again but you bit off my dicka" david sighed. "even the nazis were nicer than this"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4V3Mo61fJM harry sang. david cried & his tears were magical & healed hisdickpenis. (it's a new wordc for cock) & david looked in harrys eyeballs intenseley & said "i'm gonna fuxcking fuck YOU BOOBJOB STYLE BUT THER BOOBS ARE YOUR BALLS AGAIN" & harry smiles contently & said "hhhyuh". 

at this time edrag wasd in the dungeon. "yus mistrus" he said. "can yuo guive mui thui kuy? tui thui dur?" she said "hhyuh" & gave him da key. his harry senses were tingeling.... he KNEW harry was singing fix u (by coldplay) to someone else....

suddenly, adrag felt the baby kicking in his womb, and water was spilling alll around the room. 'HHHHYUH' he screamed. the dominatrix was rushing him to the hospital. THE SAME HOSPITAL DAVID AND HARRY WERE AT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!/

edrag was pushing when harry saw him from david's room. the two of them went to help edrag with the baby. HARRYS CHILD WAS BEING BORN.

edrag fucking gave birth & stuff & now thew baby was bowrn.r "is it a boy or a girl" asked teh barista from earlier (not david) (roni) & she delivered the baby. "idk u are the nurse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u tell me lol" "i could recognize that sort of cock anywhere" said david "it look just like hazrry's :')" he said & shed a tear. "U SZAAWW HIS PEEPEE??????"

asked kereth but ye wasn''t prepared for the answeer. "eddy..." said harry softingly. "we had a HAWT  nigtht of sexy & he did boobjob on me but my boobs werwe the bals." he said., edgar shed a tear but then said "room fo' anotha?" he sAID. "harry said "yes" & shed a tewar of his own & then the baby went to fostercarer because obviously this isn't normal by any means & raising a child in such an environment is unthinkaBLE & AN INFRINGEMENT ON HUMAN RIGHT & THAT BABY GREW UP & GOT BIG & BECAME A BILLIONAISRE & GOT ALD & reptile-ey & edrasg &ddavid fucked harry boobjob style but his boobs were his balls.

the end.



so!!! l.et me know in the comments if u liked this chapter :3 i worked super hard on it loolllll so xDDDDD see yall on the next update! :DDD byeeee lolzors haha uwu .

hito (harry x david x edrag kereth)Where stories live. Discover now