Chapter 11 1:22 pm

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Brandon stood first. When he got to his feet, he extended a hand to pull Stephanie up as well. She wrapped her thin fingers around his, and he pulled. It mustn't have been that hard, she hardly weighed 100 pounds. When she got to her feet she wobbled a bit, but Brandon steadied her. Steph looked around in time to see her mother leaving the room, presumably to make afternoon tea.

Brandon lead her to the sofa where they sat in silence until her mum came back with a trey, teapot, sugar, spoons, and 4 teacups. "Mum, have you counted right? There's only 3 of us?" Stephanie questioned her mum. "Oh no dear-" her mother answered "-Erika is on her way to the house." Erika. Thank god. Now Stephanie could be with her friends and her mum. "Would you like Thalia to come over as well?" Her mum questioned.

At Thalia's name, Steph flinched. "Er, no mum. That's nice but I think her and George are still on their honeymoon." Leanne nodded her head in agreement. Just then 3 sharp knocks came at the door. Stephanie hardly had anytime to reach the door before Erika burst through and hugged her. They stayed that way for quite some time, stuck in each other's tight embrace.

May 20, 5:00 pm

The grandfather clock had just struck 5 when Leanne called up the stairs "time for dinner kids!". By kids she meant Stephanie, Brandon, and Erika. They had both offered to stay for a bit since Steph seemed a bit 'shaken'. Erika stayed in Stephanie's room on the futon , and Brandon stayed in what used to be Thomas' room. Steph obviously knew why her mum made this arrangement, but Leanne didn't know that for the past 2 nights Stephanie had snuck into the room where Brandon slept after Erika fell asleep, and before Erika woke up each morning, she would sneak back into her own room.

Nothing happened between Steph and Brandon but a few kisses. When they fell asleep, his arms were around her (in a protective manner) and his head was nuzzled in the spot between her neck and chin. She hated to leave him in the mornings. When they met at the table in the mornings for breakfast, a smile was on his face. The first morning they were there, and Brandon had a smile plastered on his face, Erika and Steph both threw bacon at him. He happily ate it.

When they reached the dinner table this evening, Stephanie's mum had potatoes and steak ready to eat. It seemed that since her daughters break down, Leanne made better food. They all happily ate. 3 hours passed of eating, talking and laughing. At 8:30, Leanne said that they all needed to go to bed, that tomorrow she had a big surprise. They all did so, going up the stairs and slipping into bed, underneath the comforters.

It was cooler than usual, and it was slightly cool most of the time anyways. After Erika fell asleep, Steph snuck into the room across the hall where Brandon slept. She tiptoed over to the bed and slid underneath the already tousled sheets. This boy has never made a bed in his life, has he? Stephanie thought to herself. When her body hit the mattress, it must've woken up Brandon, for he rolled over and kissed her cheek. He started to tickle her playfully, and she had to stifle her laugh in the pillow. He continued to prod at her sides, making her laughs louder and higher in pitch.

She figured there was only one way to stop him. Rolling over onto her back the best she could, she pulled herself to meet him, and kissed him. This kiss lasted longer than any other, and it was more passionate. The others could've been friendly, but this one sure wasn't. In her mind all Stephanie could think was I love you, Brandon. When they broke apart, she said it, and she meant it. Brandon must've been pretty enthused, because the kiss became more passionate. Steph pulled away, and when Brandon tried to spark the flame between them again, she put a finger to his lips. "Not tonight. Maybe later. It bloody 12:00 in the morning" at this Brandon caressed her cheek and kissed her forehead.

"Yes ma'am". He flopped down onto the bed beside her and she rolled over to put her arms around him. Looking into his (admittedly beautiful) eyes, she fell asleep.

May 20, 4:27 pm

It turns out that Leanne's 'surprise' was a trip to the cinema. Brandon sat by the stairs, and Stephanie sat next to him. They held hands the whole time, but out of the line of sight of Erika (who sat right next to Steph) and Leanne, who sat next to Erika. After the movie ended, they went out to lunch. After lunch they came back to the house and watched Lord of the Rings.

Stephanie owned all the movies on blu-ray; having read all the books at least twice, she was a total freak-nerd. What exactly Brandon saw in her was a mystery. It didn't matter though. They were both happy. Well, he was at least. She wasn't totally happy, but he helped her to forget everything. Her dad, Joseph, And Bella. Even the murder.


A/N: Hey guys! I hope you are enjoying the book so far! I'm so close to finishing it; I'm excited!!!! Also, for anyone who was wondering, Joseph and Bella are Stephanie's old friends who died in a fire.

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