chapter one

19 6 5

Alyssa ✓

She yawned and stretched after managing to get up from the start in few minutes but she didn't care,all she cared is she doesn't like take the subway to school.

"Shit"she mumbled to herself while dragging herself to the bathroom


It rang in her mind.oh no "I hate subway" she whined. She hate boarding public transport in general who wouldn't even though it's cheaper.

She gently wiggled herself into the tight jeans trouser. Nothing much just simple depending on her mood.
Her blonde hair in a ponytail just dyed she has always had dark brown hair.
"Mum am ready" she yelled but no response,has she gone without her? she thought

A note sat on the center table "sweetie I'm sorry I went off to the airport to pick up some one" it read. She rolled her eyes, she was angry, she was against someone she didn't know stay with them. Now she was even angrier that her mum ditched her for a stranger

"Fuck subway" she murmured when she entered. She would have ditched school too but she has test to write.

She sat close to the window and plugged in her headphone not minding the baby wailing.

"Hey Lyssa" her friends greeted when she joined them at the cafeteria. Aubrey and Alexis her friends sat sipping their drinks.
"Hi" she responded 
That means she was in a good mood.
That morning Mr Johnson didn't teach something new.

Luck her she guess

"Oh my God John Legend just posted a pics" Alexis squeal cheerfully causing her friends to roll their eyes.
Alexis was a die hard fan and also has a huge crush on him, crazy right?

"That guy is married" Lyssa replied boringly causing Aubrey to laugh.

There all walked in separate ways to their classes.

Lyssa walked out after submitting her script. She only smirked but it faded when chase winked at her, how dare him. She never wanted to have anything to do with him so she took the other route to look for her friends.

Aubrey stood, worry written on her face "what is it?" Lyssa asked calmly touching her shoulder she turned but tried to mask it with a smile.

"Nothing" she lied even Lyssa knew she was lying Aubrey can mask her feeling so well that you wouldn't know even if you are trying to, and the reason for this wall she built results from her last break up. According to her she loved him but he never reciprocate the feelings but just to get her into his bed which he succeeded. Lyssa never saw the guy again, he stop coming to school probably he had travelled or relocated but Lyssa has vowed to break the guy's nose if she happened to see him.

"You know I gat your back"Lyssa said while Aubrey nodded smiling brightly
She just don't push her cause she will never open up
They gist and strolled to the junction where there will go their separate ways 
Thank you for reading
I know this is not the best chapter you will wish for but I will get better


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2022 ⏰

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