Movie Night

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Beatrice's Pov

I was just finishing up my first drink when I got a text from Connor.

RoboCop ~ Has the power went out at your apartment too?

Beatrice:) ~ I'm not in my apartment right now.

RoboCop ~ Well then come and see.

Beatrice:) ~ I can't, I'm buying a new Electric guitar

RoboCop ~ I'm worried this is starting to become an addiction.

Beatrice:) ~ Rude

RoboCop ~ Just Hurry!

Beatrice:) ~ Fine, i'll be there in 20 minutes, see you soon dickhead!

RoboCop ~ now who is the one being rude, see you soon!

I switched my phone off and put it in my pocket, along with any loose change I got from buying my new Electric guitar, and headed outside towards my car.

I was driving home and passed by this shop, It was a basic food shop, but I went inside anyways. I scowered the shelves looking for anything that I would like, I finally settled on getting a box of chocolate chip muffins and a large bottle of whatever alcohol i could fine

I went up to buy my items, and finally left, ignoring the questioning looks from the man who sold me my things.


Connors's Pov

I was met with questioning looks from both Hank, and Gavin. "Really Tin Can? I'm sure you have like experience in this situation, go fix the power" he pushed me forward slightly towards the door.

"I'm afraid I can't do that Detective Reed, I don't know how to fix it" he scoffed and walked away to finish his food. I however, continued on working, although I couldn't get much done with videos that Beatrice was sending me.

Beatrice:) ~ did you like the cat videos :)

RoboCop ~ very much so, how are you doing?

Beatrice:) ~ surprisingly well :)

The messages ended there and I focused back onto my work. It had been 36 minutes and the power still hadn't been fixed, I was quite content, although Hank and Detective Reed were fighting to escape boredom.

"Thats it, im leaving. Later Tin Can" Gavin got up and left and the Lieutenant followed shortly after. About 30 minutes later, i heard a knock on my door.

I went to open it, and I could already assume who it would be- "Hello Robocop, how are you?" She asked whilst carrying a basket full to the brim, with android parts.

"Not very good" I replied.

"Why? What happened?" She asked again, I then started to recount the past events from the day.


Connors's Pov

"Everyone was sad today, there was a case with a father and his child. He took her to his caravan and told her it was a birthday party.

She obviously believed it, only thinking good of her father, when in reality he took her there to kill her. It was supposed to be her brother too apparently, but he wasn't able to get him out of school.

After she had been there quite a while, he released a gas into the caravan and waited a few minutes before pulling out a lighter.

The girl knew what was going to happen so while he was searching for the lighter, she ran. The police were already outside so it would have been easy to just run in.

Except they couldn't, the father used the lighter and the gas to blow himself and the caravan up before they even got near the caravan".

"I'm so sorry Connor. I mean shit, I guess it was kind of unexpected huh?" I nodded as an answer to her question then continued on explaining.

"After we went back to the precinct, I couldn't quite feel anything, and that of course made Detective Reed angry".

He said, "Really Tin Can? You're supposed to feel shit yet, you just fucking can't? Aren't you supposed to be one of those Deviants and shit. I mean, seriously, a man just blew himself up in front of his child. And you feel nothing" I replicated his voice whilst saying it.

"I didn't say anything as he walked off, I kind of just sat there, I don't understand why though. Why couldn't I move?".

"Well, people experience grief in different ways Connor, and maybe, since you're designed to accomplish tasks, you failing on this mission, made you feel guilt"

"You think, I failed?" I asked her.

"Well, no of course not, you still managed to find out where the caravan was right? I'm saying that it makes sense to feel grief and regret. That father may have been a bad person, but he deserved to rot in prison not 6ft under".

"I guess that makes sense". She nodded and asked me what I wanted to watch, I, of course, said for her to choose.

"Alice in wonderland, It is then!" She always seemed rather excited about watching this movie, she always had a wide smile on her face just like she has now.

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