Are you human?

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A cadet came in bolting through the dining hall doors ignoring the displeased glares he received from the other people.

His whole frame was dripping with sweat, eyes darting around the room in search of a certain someone. Captain Levi.

"CAPTAIN LEVI!"  the frightened boy shouted when he saw the captain leaning lazily against a pillar as if he were a lizard sunbathing.

The pissed captain, slowly opened his eyes upon hearing the boy's agitated shouts.

Looking at the boy who had stood in front of him like a soldier going to the front lines , he saluted the captain respectfully in spite the fear that was beating him up from the inside like a sack of burritos.

"Oi brat, what is it?" he asked the shuddering kid. His voice was laced with pure boredom that he did not care to hide.

The boy after regaining control of his shaking body replied quickly not dropping his posture, "T-Titans are climbing the walls of rose, sir!"

Upon hearing titans, the captain's lazy gaze turned sharp as he glared intensely at the cadets who had stopped eating the time the boy had bulldozed himself into the dining hall.

"Gear up, we're heading out to the walls of Rose!" he instructed.

Levi dashed out of the dining hall with a couple of people trailing after him to their rooms.

Levi busted into his own room ,kneeling in front of his 3D maneuver  he checked the fuels and the blades although he had done it that very morning.

'Just in case.' He thought to himself.

As soon as he stepped out of the building, he was met by a terrifying sight. More than seven titans had made their way to the wall, slowly climbing up like a bunch of rodents they were.

The troops had been led beforehand by Erwin since they had no time to dilly-dully but unfortunately before they could get any further someone was already at it.

The movements of the person were light and calculated. The mysterious person unsheathed their blades ,tossing their weight high in the air just to aim at the titans neck.

The onlookers watched in great awe as the hero or heroine whichsoever , the didn't care, slaughter the titans alone as if they were mere pheasants.

Although the person's skill was excellent they were still ways to go to reach the place where Captain Levi and the other seniors who were streets ahead of them stood.

It was hard to make out the person's gender because of the loose clothes they wore but their frame was slender so it fell to the feminine side.

The person'screepy smile reflected in the blazing sun and it only screamed 'like the beast I am!'

'Who is that?! Are they even human?!' the others thought half excited and half frightened.

Excited to see such a person with great stamina and frightened that the person might as well end up being  guzzled down into the titans' lunch.

Levi's face remained stoic as ever but he couldn't help but roll the words out of his mouth like a dice on the marble floor.

Eren and a few others heard what their captain had said and they couldn't help but glare curiously at the hooded person that was now making their way toward them.


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