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Heyy! TheClawenCorner here, I've decided to start with a little introduction about Y/N and some explaining about a few terms that are important to know before you start reading.

About YN:

If you read the description, you probably already know Y/N is Owen Grady's sister and works with the velociraptors just like him. Owen and Y/N grew up in Chattanooga, Tennessee, in the United States of America. They lived with their parents, Nathan and Sophie Grady. Nathan was an officer in the Navy and Sophie was a teacher at a school near their house. Just like their dad, Owen followed his footsteps into the Navy when he was 21 years old. Y/N didn't see her brother much after that, which was something she didn't like since the two of them were always very close. After serving in the Navy for around 10 years, Owen got a job as animal behaviourist at Jurassic World. Y/N applied for a job only three years later. They now both live in Owens bungalow at Isla Nublar. Y/N is 29 years old and Owen is 34.


As you know, Y/N stands for your name so whenever you read this, replace it with your own name. Y/HC, stands for your hair colour, just like with Y/N you replace it, except it's now about your hair colour and not your name. Y/EC stands for your eye colour, replace that with your eye colour. Y/SC stands for your skin colour, again, replace it with your own. I know Owen is white and has dark blonde hair but everything is possible right? And I don't want anyone to feel excluded. Though you guys should be aware I might not include these terms at all or only very little :)


That was it for now, have fun reading and don't forget to vote/comment!

TheClawenCorner, out!! xx

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