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Her eyes snapped open, gasping for air as sweat trailed down her forehead. She held her hands to her head and started to press onto it, desperately trying to ease the agonizing pain that had shot through her head. Many minutes had passed, she jolted up and took a look around her foreign surroundings, vision still a bit blurry.

  White torn walls with dried up red stains, windows boarded up by old wood, and...the stench... oh god the stench it was dreadful, she stumbled out of the horrendous room, only to step into a long and narrow hallway. 

She yelped surprised, moving her ankle away from the red slimy substance. Her brows furrowed as she took a closer look, frowning she stepped away from it and continued down the hall. " I?" she muttered.

Her brown locks swept side to side, eyes scanning the strange atmosphere, she tried to find answers to her 'where' and 'what' but she realized that she didn't even know the 'who'. Her name, her age, her simple basic information, nothing came to her head.

Busy thinking, she had completely ignored the fact that she had come back to the same hallway she left from, she gulped as she looked to her right, and of course, the room was there. Nervously clenching her jaw she took forward again. This time she opened each door, but all of it led to more hallways. She was trapped.

Then, panic began to set in. Eyes widening and filling with fear, her breathing had become unstable, almost as if someone was crushing her lungs. She slid down to the filthy floor and of it leading to more hallways. She was trapped.

"Breath," she panted. "I-I have to breathe."

She had sat at that spot for lord knows how long, refusing to face the endless hallways. She clenched her fists and scolded herself to get up and move forward. Having calmed herself, she clumsily rose. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. "Have to find a way." she gasped.

She grabbed the red substance and smeared it on the walls she passed, determination filling her eyes. She suddenly froze, looking to her left to face a door.

It looked familiar, but she swore that she wasn't here before, right? She squinted her eyes and examined the door more attentively. Unlike the other corners of these halls, it was different. It seemed more secured with the clear and untainted color of white, a gold doorknob, color, and a device stuck to the wall. The words 'Please Swipe Your Identification' in bold. She looked at her fingers, "If I'm in this place, then I must have something to unlock this door." She swiped her finger through it but as expected nothing happened.

Then, her eyes landed on the blue wristband, she bought it closer. It had some type of barcode. She quickly swiped it across the device and the door clicked, unlocking.

She stepped inside and the first thing her eyes landed on was a woman. She was crouching on the white fabricated cushion and weeping silently. She rushed towards her, "A-are you okay?" She stuttered out. Feeling a bit awkward, no response had come from the woman, concerned she lifted her hand and tried to comfort the woman, but as quickly as she could comprehend the woman slapped her hand and scrambled to the other side of the room. The nurse's eyes were glaring daggers at her.

"Don't touch me!" She choked.

Taken back, she peered at the woman in confusion. "I'm sorry, but I'm only trying to help you." She stammered.

"Help? You want to help me? Liar!"The woman roared, eyes brimming red with tears and mouth quivering.

She flinched, startled by the high pitched voice. She bit her lips and thought for a bit before stepping back to leave the weeping woman and the room. But before she stepped out, she turned back around.

" you know who I am?" She hesitantly asked, waiting for an answer.

The woman froze, her head slowly lifting and her eyes landing on the wristband, the same one that she had unlocked the door with. She brought the wristband closer to take a look at it, gradually turning it. She stopped with horror when she saw it.

[Arielle Khurana - Psychosis Patient ]

It felt as if her eyes were betraying her, she dropped to her knees. The ringing in her ears was too loud, deafening. "You said that you would get us out of here,..we could have still been one, tell me," The woman wailed. "Tell me! Why did you hurt me?" She began pulling on her hair, her face turning bright red and the wails getting unbearable.

Too loud.

Arielle rapidly shook her head, eyes looking like they were going to burst. "No, no. I didn't do anything wrong..." Her face had turned dark as if a vicious shadow loomed over waiting to attack, mouth wide and grinning from ear to ear with large teeth.

She picked up the woman's severed head, gazing at it with a crazed look.

"I smiled just like you told me to."

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