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Yoongi was circling SeongHwa; he was controlling Seonghwa with the help of earth elements, having him on his knees; the second Amelia left pegasus, the atmosphere changed. They were all out patrolling, but the ambush wasn't as much of a surprise as the BTS troop most likely had hoped, but the defensive troops were to spread out. And SeongHwa had chased after Yoongi and V, and next thing he knew, he was knocked to the ground and engulfed in snares.

"The fact that I have the mighty SeongHwa in my grasp, aren't I impressive?" Yoongi said as he tapped SeongHwas's chin, "What should we do first to you?" He said with a smirk. Normally Yoongi was the sense of reason, but right now, he was out of his mind, he had this crazy smile painted across his face, and Seonghwa didn't recognize the man in front of him anymore.

"If I were you, I would let me go." Yoongi laughs out loud, "I didn't take you as the funny guy." Yoongi said and licked his lip. Yoongi reaches into his pocket and pulls out a dagger; SeongHwa knows this weapon very well as it is Athame, a very sacred dagger used by Wiccans hundreds of years ago. But it went missing, but now he knows where it is. That dagger is one of few weapons to use to kill a demigod. There are many ways, but some weapons are more lethal than others; Athame, for example, one cut, and it's a permanent scar. "Well, at least we know where the dagger is now." SeongHwa sighed as Yoongi looked at the blade and smirked: "It took some convincing, but they happily handed it over when they knew who I was." Yoongi said as he caressed SeongHwas cheek with the cold blade and smirked, doing so as SeongHwa yanked his face away.

"I wonder what that girl would do when she finds out your dead. Could I blame it on your friends possibly?" SeongHwa made a face: "Clearly, you don't know Amelia as we do." SeongHwa said under his breath, and Yoongi leaned in: "What's that?" He smirked as he dragged the knife along his cheek.

"She won't buy your lie." He snarled, and Yoongi chuckled: "Well, if that's the case, it's a necessary means of action then." He smirked at SeongHwa, whose face fell. He could feel a heat in his chest, but it was different from his own emotion like he was sparking anger. "So that would convince her to join the cause?" Even now, SeongHwa was laughing, and Yoongi leaned in quickly and pressed the knife to SeongHwa's throat, and with the stinging sensation, "I don't care, I don't need her on our side, I just need her to be alive." He snarled: "So you mean, you don't have to be alive?"

Yoongi turned as Amelia stood behind him, but to his surprise and SeongHwa, Amelia was glowing like a goddess. Not only did SeongHwas heart wanting to burst in happiness in pleasure, but she was also beyond breathtaking. But her timing couldn't have been better.

"I'm sorry." Yoongi got on his knees, knowing he might die this second. Amelia stepped through the blue ring, which she had used as a portal; San entered right behind her. "I find it interesting that you try to think I have a weakness when I have just been told I have everything but that." She takes a step closer to Yoongi.

"As far as I know, you're the weak one, son of Ares." Yoongi looked away, ashamed, "Are your daddy issues that bad that you need to bring Cronos back?" She questioned; she held her hand out: "Give me the dagger." It was like Yoongi was under a spell, but it wasn't until she stepped closer SeongHwa noticed that Amelia was taller and langer than anything he's ever seen her before, and that means she was in her original state; she was smaller than a normal god because a god on earth cant be as big as they are in heaven but still larger than life itself.

He hands her the dagger, and in her hand, it looks like a splinter. "So tiny," She muttered: "Now tell me, Yoongi, did you honestly think that threatening to take SeongHwa from me would work?" She looked at the knife in her hand as she spoke. She spoke with conviction, and oddly enough, she sounded bored. SeongHwa could hear her heartbeat in his head, and it was just as slow and peaceful. "I mean, remember I'm no ordinary demigod; such trivial things aren't important to me." She smirked at him as he looked up at her. "If you had threatened Mingi, that would have been a different story, but then again, I would love to have seen you try,"

Yoongi looked confused, but then it seemed like he got what she was meaning, and SeongHwa felt the anger rise in his chest. She just exposed Mingi; how could she do it? Why would she do that? it was their leverage. "Are you saying...." Yoongi starts: "Am I?" She said and placed her hands on her back with the dagger still in her hand; "But I'm going to tell you something, Yoongi, you know what I don't like?"

Yoongi looks as confused as earlier, maybe even more so, when Amelia's hand wipes across his face, just across his eye. Yoongi screams out in pain; just above his eyebrow down to the peak of his cheek is there now a long red scar. The corner of Amelia's lip flicks up just slightly: "It suits you." She says as she holds Yoongi's face in her one hand, "If you ever touch the Ateez troop again, I'll damage more than just your face." She muttered, tossing the dagger to the ground.

"San, get SeongHwa free." San nods and releases SeongHwa. Amelia takes Yoongi by the neck and forcing him on his feet. "Run, and if I ever find you in pegasus again, that eye of yours won't see... or the other one." She pushed him away.

When he was out of reach, Amelia shuddered and made a groaning sound. "Now that I call acting," San smirked as Amelia slowly but safely shrunk in front of them. San hurried over to her side and high five her as she smiled: "was it good?" San smiled and nods, "I'm not going to lie, you delivered really well." He said, encouraging her as Seonghwa was boiling as he walked past San to Amelia's side and came face to face with her: "What have you done?" He asked; his voice shook as he spoke, referring to the info about Mingi.

Amelia looks at him confused as she understands what he means: "it's time, SeongHwa, it's time that he knows." SeongHwa looked into her eyes. He knew she was right, but he didn't want to budge. "You have no right, Amelia..." He starts, and to his own surprise, San is the one that interrupts her; "Actually, she's most likely the only one that has a right to do so." SeongHwa clenched his jaw as he nodded.

"When we have a chance to talk... we should do so," Amelia said, and SeongHwa felt a pain in his chest as it felt like something bad.

As they stood there, they heard exploding sounds not far from them. The three looked at one and other, but they turned around and started to run towards the sounds.


In the meadow, someone was lurking and watching their every move, and he was holding a sword against Taehyungs throat. No one had noticed that Taehyung had disappeared. "It's about time." The man mutters, and Taehyung looks terrified, not sure what he should do to anyone: "Taehyung, who are the spies?" Taehyung shook his head: "I don't know." The sword gets closer to his throat, and Taehyung whimpers: "Well, you should find out... and tell amelia." Taehyung blinked, confused: "I can see it in your heart; you don't want your father back, do you?" Taehyung shook his head. Taehyungs breathing increased as he felt like he was about to die. "It's time for you to fill your purpose in life." The man said, "I didn't protect the three for nothing." He said: "Please... I can't betray them." The man scoffed: "But they aren't your friends anymore; your alliance has always been the three. No need to deny it." He said as he removed the sword from Taehyungs throat: "Ares... please." Taehyung whimpered, and Ares laughed: "Just be a good boy and be my double spy."

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