~Chapter 1~

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"Goosechaser, its really hurting..." Ryepaw complained, clutching at this front paw. The grey apprentice was bleeding everywhere, and Goosechaser was frantically rummaging through his herb store.

A droplet of water splashed on Goosechaser's nose, and he looked up. The wet, gloomy weather was leaking through the roof, and the young medicine cat's ears flattened. New-leaf was known for it's rain, but where had this wind come from? It was quite unusual. 

"Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry, just wait." The medicine cat growled, then finally his paw grasped a bundle of leaves that sent a wave of sweet-smelling odour's into his nose. He grunted, jerked his paw forwards. He picked up the mouth-watering herbs in his jaws, and hurried over to the injured apprentice.

"You say a MudClan apprentice did this to you?" Goosechaser pipped up as he applied the chervil to the apprentice's chin. He imediently regretted it. I need him to not move his jaw as I put this on... Well, thats my fault, I guess. "Wait, don't answer that; tell me in a second."

Once the wound was smothered in cobwebs, chervil and marigold, Goosechaser stood back to the puddle in the medicine den to wash the blood from his paws. He turned back to Ryepaw, who was speaking, looking somewhat thrilled. "Yeah! I was patrolling with Gravelgorse, Tallpine, and Sunnysky, across the MudClan border..." The apprentices eyes trailed off, obviously feeling uncomfortable by staring into Goosechaser's piercing, midnight-blue eyes. "And uh, I was suddenly just, bowled over..."

"You didn't do anything?" Goosechaser pressed. "Are you telling fibs?" He raised an eyebrow.

"No, no, I swear! I was attacked for no reason!" Ryepaw insisted, sitting up. "But I showed that apprentice who's boss," Ryepaw's tail lashed. 

Goosechaser's eyes lit up with amusement. "I'm sure you did. Now, you may go on with your usual training routine, but try your best not to open up that dressing. If it does, come to me. Alright?"

Ryepaw nodded. "Thank you, Goosechaser." He dipped his head respectfully, and the small apprentice trotted out of the den into the rain.

Goosechaser looked back up to the wooden roof, and studied the leak. It wasn't anything major, just the savage rain playing its part; he sighed. The leaves dangling on all sides of the den rattled, and freezing wind blew into the den. 

"Goosechaser?" The leaves rattled, and Jaychirp peered through the entrance. The pretty grey tom had a red bird in his jaws, and he sat it down on the log below them. "Heya, Goose'! I brought you something to eat, and uh..."

"Much obliged, Jaychirp." Goosechaser dipped his head briskly. "How are things out there?"

"Chaotic." Jaychirp replied, his eyes rolling upwards. "The apprentices' den collapsed, and the kits are cold. Cactistar is organising patrols, but he seems very stressed out." The tom looked empathetic. "I don't get this weather. Whats with the wind?"

"Leaf-bare is echoing." Goosechaser stated simply. "It must be long this year; thats the only explanation for this wind that is--" A stem of juniper berries fell onto the floor. "--Flinging my herbs everywhere."

"Do you need any help with it?" Jaychirp rushed forwards, grasping the juniper gently in his small jaws and placing them back into the stores.

"No, no, I'm fine, CloudClan needs you out there." Goosechaser mewed. "I can feel everything shaking... Who decided we should live in trees?"

Jaychirp's eyes filled with warm amusement and he shrugged. "I 'dunno, but I wish they had've changed their mind before all... this." 

The young warrior trotted out of the den, and Goosechaser heard him yowl, "Harekit, Brindlekit, get off that branch, you'll fall!"

Hey, Eldidiot here, chapter 2 soon!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2021 ⏰

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