Chapter 7: Fascinating

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                 **Wendy's POV**

        I couldn't believe it. I was sent hurtling backwards through the air after a Peter pushed all of us before a canonball could hit our cloud. 

        When I finally slowed down, I calmed myself but ended up losing control of my flying and was falling toward a small opening in the trees. I couldn't stop myself and I flapped my arms a little to try and control myself.

        No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't gain control. I closed my eyes as I felt the ground hit my back and I fell unconscious for a while.

        When I came to I was in an odd place. It looked like a weird home or hideout of some sort and Peter was sitting on the ground next to where I was.

        I sat up and held my head which was hurting immensly. "What happened?" I asked and examined my surroundings.

        Peter continued to tell me what happened to me and about the lost boys and how they came to be here.

        "Oh, so, they never leave? 7 boys who never leave? That sounds fascinating. Too bad we have to leave tomorrow." I said and crossed my arms.

        Peter nodded. "Yeah, nobody's been here except for the lost boys and I these past few years. Even though battling Hook is exciting, it gets kind of old." he shrugged and stood up to go get a wooden stool.

        "Oh. So what all is there to see in Neverland? I've heard so many stories about it. Are they all true?" I asked hopefully.

        I so really did want to see mermaids and indians. We've already seen pirates but the mermaids fascinate me more than anything.

        "Is it true that Neverland has mermaids?" I asked excitedly. "Because I was told a story about them and that you talk to them in a special way." I said.

        My head was still hurting but it was teeming with questions and knowledge that I wanted the answers to.

        "Y-yes. Neverland does have mermaids and yes I can speak to them." he said and scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

        "Wait a second. What're the lost boys looking for? Where are they?" I asked and looked around the place I was in.

        "Oh. Um. They're looking for your brothers. They sort of got lost after I pushed everyone out of the way of the canonball. You flew and they were stuck hanging on a cloud. They must've fallen. Hopefully into water or else they'd be out for a while." He said and looked around.

        I jumped up quickly. "What?! We have to find my brothers. They could be scared somewhere. They could be captured by someone or something somewhere!" I said hurriedly.

        "Hey. Hey. Calm down. The lost boys are experienced hunters and finders. They'll find your brothers. I promise." he said in an attempt to calm me.

        I was running around the place looking for a way out, which didn't work because I didn't know how I got IN in the first place.

        "Where's the exit around here?" I asked, poking and prodding at numerous things to see if they could lead to some way out.

        "Here, I'll cut you a deal. I'll take you to see the mermaids if you just calm down." he said, slightly annoyed.

        I froze in my spot and turned toward him. "The mermaids? You'll take me to see the mermaids?" I asked, smiling a little.

        "Yes. Yes. I'll take you to see the mermaids. Here, let me show you the way out and we'll go, okay?" he said.

        I nodded and I followed him to the exit. When we climbed out, I turned around and saw a giant tree. "I had a feeling this was a tree." I said to myself.

        "Okay. The cove is this way." he said and lifted into the air. I followed behind him and we landed on some rocky parts sitting out of the water.

        Once the mermaids saw Peter, they came swimming over and started talking to him with these weird clicking sounding noises. One came close to me and I stared back at it.

        "Fascinating." I said slowly like I was lost in a dream.


Okay. Okay. I owe you guys an apology for not updating sooner.

My mind is still in Spring Break mode so I kept forgetting to update since I was enjoying the time off of school.

Since I'm going back tomorrow, I should remember a bit more.

And... Happy St. Patrick's Day! Even though it's early, I'm still gonna say it.

ALSO, my dog's been sick with Parvo so I've been taking turns with my older sister to keep her hydrated. So far, she's getting better fast. She's more playful and she's beginning to eat more of her food by herself!

So I'm extremely sorry for not updating sooner. I've been busy and I should see you next Sunday. Adios.

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