Chapter 30

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       Silverhawk was preparing for hunting season. There were some buffalo herds that had been seen and food was starting to run low.  The herd was close so the Indians didn't have to go far. Chance had wanted to learn to hunt so Adam said that he would take him. Adam didn't like the idea of leaving with the threat of Chris  still on his mind. At least he would be coming back every night and they weren't leaving the area. The first day that they were going out, Andie said that she and her cousin were going to visit Ann. Adam accompanied them to the village where he would be meeting up with Silverhawk. After they left, Andie had talked to one of the tribal elders and said that she needed to pray to the Sky Spirit about something but wouldn't say what. The elder looked at her closely than closed his eyes for a second. He opened his eyes and smiled. Andie had a feeling that the elder had looked into her soul and knew what she was going to pray for. This tribe was very superstitious and also believed in miracles happening. Andie was indeed going to be praying for a miracle. The elder was also a soothsayer, which Andie didn't know. He also felt that the Foust children had the heart and spirit on an Indian even though they had been born white. It was all due to their father being good friends with the previous chief. Andie went and prayed for a long time. She then went back to Ann's teepee to chat. Kirstie had talked to her cousin about her feelings for Avi. Andie and Ann had told her the best way they could about what happens between a man and a woman. That the first time there is a little pain and a little bleeding. But after that there wouldn't be any more pain. She had told Kirstie that there were different was to give pleasure and different ways for a man to give pleasure. It was important to let the man know what she liked and didn't like. Avi would show her what to do and to have trust in him. Kirstie listened very carefully. Andie told her that it was natural to be nervous. The women spent the day together talking and Ann showed Kirstie how to make jewelry. When the men came back, they showed the women how many buffalo were killed. The hunt had been successful. Chance even killed a few, he boasted proudly. He couldn't wait to tell Sami. They prepared the buffalo for storing and laid the skins out to dry.

         Andie wanted to stay at the village tonight so Chance said that he would ride with Kirstie back to the house. It was starting to get dark and he didn't want Kirstie to ride by herself.

        When Kirstie was ready to turn in for the night she had made the decision to go see Avi. She put on only a blue knee length robe and knocked on his door. 

        Avi was trying to read a book before going to sleep. He hadn't gone hunting with the rest of the tribe. He stayed to help work on the barn. He enjoyed working with his hands. He heard a knock on his door and went to answer it. His breath caught in his throat when he saw Kirstie standing there in a robe with her blonde hair falling down her back. He stepped back to allow her enter the room.

        "I was having trouble going to sleep. I thought maybe you might want some company," she said shyly. She stood in front of him, went up onto her toes and gave him a kiss.

       He had been trying to take things slow but right now he was about ready to throw caution to the wind. He moaned as he put his arms around her and picked her up. He gently laid her down on his bed, never taking his eyes off of hers. He sat down facing her. He leaned down to kiss her, softly at first, then deepening the kiss. He was giving her time to stop before it went any further. He knew that she was a virgin. It touched him that she cared enough about him to give him that gift. Whenever he watched Kirstie, he understood how Adam felt when he was with Andie. The two women were similar in personality and spunk.

      "Kirstie, if we keep kissing, I may not be able to stop things from progressing farther. I care about you and I want you. Seeing you like this is too much of a temptation." He cupped her cheek as he stared into her mesmerizing blue eyes.

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