Chapter Two

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    As Lilly smiled at Draco, Professor Snape begin the class. Draco pass a note to Lilly and the note said:" Hey, I think I have a crush on you Lilly ;)". Lilly wrote back and said," I have a big crush on you but I was scared to tell you because of my dad :)".Lilly pass the note back to Draco and Draco blushed really bad. Professor Snape said, " class dissembled".

  Later that day, Lilly was walking to her dad's class because she need help to ask Draco out. Lilly said," hi daddy, how're the other classes since my class?". Snape said," the other classes were bad and  I saw you looking at Draco and passing a note and Draco left the note here". Lilly said," omg, I want to punch Draco in his face next time". Snape said," I'm glad that you told Draco about your feelings for him because I knew this day coming".  Lilly walked up to Draco and said" my dad now knows my feelings for you because you left the note at your desk yesterday". Draco said," oh shit, I thought I had the note in my poke and I  do really like you, Lilly". Lilly said," I really like you Draco". 

The next day, before classes started Draco went to Professor Snap's classroom and said:" well hello Mr. Snape". Snape said," hello Draco, what you want with my daughter?". Draco said," can I ask your daughter out on a date tonight?". Snape said," yes you can take my daughter out on a date tonight, and please don't hurt her if you do I will send you lord Vemolrt ". Draco said," I will not hurt your daughter".

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