Chapter 10: Hogwarts

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Harry convinced himself that he just imagined his scar tingling, or maybe a bug stood on his forhead or something like that, he returned his thoughts to his surrounding, and realised that Ron and Hermione looked like they just argued, Neville was looking embarassed, and busied himself with reading the Quibbler upside down with Luna.

''What's going on?'' asked Harry

'' Didn't you see how she blushed when Malfoy talked to her'' said Ron, '' You like him, don't you?'' he added

'' Rubbish!! Of course I don't, I was just so happy to see him like that'' said Hermione

'' Ron, stop your nonsense, Malfoy was horrible to Hermione more that he was to any of us, of course she doesn't like him'' said Harry

''Okey, Okey, I'm sorry'' said Ron

'' We better change into our robes, the train is slowing down'' said Hermione

They wore their wizards' clothes, and got out of the train, the familiar voice of Hagrid saying : '' first years over here, first years...'' was still there, as if nothing ever happened. Ron, Harry and Hermione run and hugged him. 

'' Hello there I knew you would come back'' said Hagrid

''Well, you knew Harry and I wanted to become aurors, and Hermione wanted to do something really worthwhile. I never thoughI will say that but we needed to come back to school'' said Ron

''Well, good luck you three. come and visit me if you got time'' said Hagrid

'' Of course, we will. Bye Hagrid'' said Harry

They headed with the other students to the carriages with the Thestrals, most of the students were able to see them now since they all saw people dying in the battle of Hogwarts. 

They went into the entrance hall, and sat on the Gryffindor table , Harry looked around many people came back to finish their education, he looked at the teachers table and saw Professor Mcgonnagal in The seat that was Dumbeldore's once, she was now headmistress, the only empty seat was the one that belonged to the Defence against the dark arts teacher . Hermione said: '' I wonder who's going to teach us this jinxed subject?''

'' Who needs a teacher Hermione, we found Voldemort and his army we are experts'' said Ron

The srting ceremony begun, and the feast ended, the speech usually given by Dumbeldore was short, Professor Mcgonnagal only reminded them of the rules and they were given their timetables, they had double Defence against the dark arts on the morning.

After Hogwarts Battle: a Harry Potter fanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora