A meetup?!

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(Tommy POV)
*Discord call ringtone*
"Who the fuck is calling meee.."
I flipped myself over to see my phone and see that tubbo is calling me
I answer it
"Hey tubzo.."I say groggily from being woken up from my nap
"Hey Tommy!"Tubbo exclaimed, oddly excited,yes, tubbo is normally every energetic, though today there was, how do I say- More? Energy in his voice
"Huh?-oh-Yeah?sorry I'm tired.."
"It's fine!Guess what!!"
"What.?"Kinda waking up a bit more
I winced as he yelled but now woke up fully, I was a little excited...To be able to ruffle his fluffy hair, be able to see his gorgeous face and not over a stupid scre-
*NO TOMMY!You hate him!do I thou-
"Tommy?Are you excited?"
"Huh?oh-Yeah!Sorry I zoned out for a sec"
"It's fine!He'll be here soon, wanna come pick him up with me, mother dearest and father dearest?"
"Sure, let me get ready"
"Ok!see you in a bit!"
*The call ended*
*Why did I agree to go with him?*
I groaned as I got up as I hadn't got out of bed all morning and put on my traditional red and white shirt along with some blue jeans, I went over to my mirror and ruffled my hair a bit and went downstairs
"Morning honey!"my mum said to me from the living room, I guess she heard me going down the stairs
"Morning mum, I'm going to meet Toby, you know my friend ranboo?"
"Yes, what about him?"
"Well he's coming to the UK and his plane is gonna land soon so Toby offered to take me with him and his parents to pick him up"
"Ok have fun!"
"I will!bye, love you!"
"Love you too!"
I pick up my keys and head out to Tubbos house
(Tubbo POV)
I sat at my chair waiting for tommy to get here so we can go and pick up ranboo from the airport
*knock knock*
"I'll get it!"I shout from my room and I rush downstairs
I open the door and Tommy's there
"Hey tubzo!"He said happily
"What's up bossman?!"
We hug for around 5 seconds and I pull away
"Mum!Dad!Tommys here!We can go!"
"Ok honey!"I hear my mother shout from the kitchen, followed by a bunch of keys jingling and clashing together
"*Tubbos dads name* Get down here! We're going!"
Tommy snickered at my mothers tone and so did I
"I'm coming!"
"Hurry up then!We need to get to the airport now!"
My father came down the stairs and took the keys from my mother
The car unlocked and me and tommy went and sat in the back, while mother and father locked up
They got in the car and me set off to the airport, me and tommy talking about random shit on the way

*At the airport*

(Ranboos POV)
I woke up due to the woman on the intercom telling everyone to put our seatbelts back on as we're landing soon
I did as the woman told me to and waited for the plane to land, looking down at my phone
We landed and I got my extra carry on out of the pockets above our seats and headed out, looking for a short brunette and a somewhat tall blonde, I decided to look for tommy mostly as he's taller
"RANBOO!"i heard a squeaky voice call
(Tubbo POV)
I call for him, I see him around 10 meters from us and I think I scared him as I saw him jump a little bit
I ran up to him and latched onto him, him hugging back when he realises who I am
"Hey tubbo!"
"Hey ranboob"I hear Tommy say from behind me, to be honest, it scared the shit out of me
(Ranboo POV)
"Hey ranboob"I hear Tommy say
I look up but back down as I remembered I'm a bit taller than him
"Now you see, that just wasn't necessary"
"Yes it is, Ranboob"
"Why?Just why?"
Tommy burst out laughing and I couldn't help but smile at him, His gorgeous smile, his beautiful hair-
My thoughts her interrupted by tubbo pulling away from the hug we were previously in and poking me, stoping me from staring at the laughing tommy in front of me and my cheeks went pink when I realised we had locked eyes and I quickly looked away
(Tommy POV)
We awkwardly walked back to the car, and of course, I was sat next to ranboo, I started to doze of so I placed my head on the the most comfortable place I could find, I didn't know what it was but it was warm and comfy so I didn't care
(Ranboo POV)
I felt a weight on my shoulder and I turned to see it was tommy, he was resting his head on my shoulder and he seemed to be sleeping, I(also being tired from the flight)laid my head on his and drifted off to sleep, I think tubbo noticed because as I dozed of, I heard a camera click and I guessed tubbo took a photo because I also heard a faint "awwww.."as I dozed of into my slumber

*20 minutes later*
20 minutes later I felt the car stop and I woke up, guessing that we were here, I tried waking Tommy up but he was out cold so I just decided to carry him, I picked him up bridal style and carried him in while tubbo helped with my suitcase
We got inside and I put Tommy on my bed, well, the bed I was gonna be staying on
I put the blanket on him and as I went to leave, something grabbed my arm and I realised it was Tommy pulling me into the bed
I gave up and decided to just get into bed with him
A few hours later
(Tommy POV)
I wake up to my head on a very comfortable "pillow" and I was very warm
I looked up and saw the "pillow" was actually...Ranboo
"Morning toms.."I heard a very sleepy ranboo say to me
"Morning.."I replied, returning the same sleepiness he had
"How are you.?"
"I'm good, I need to get home though..Wanna come?"
"Ok, let's go!"
I got up and helped ranboo up as he was still tired.I grabbed my keys, sorted my hair out and headed out the door, not before saying goodbye to tubbo of course
"Cya Tubbster!"
"Bye bossman!"
And with that, we left
After around..5 minutes? We got back to my house and went to my room
Hello! Author here!!I will be working on this though it may take a while for other chapters to come out but I will try my best! Goodbye and have a good day/night!Make sure you eat and drink enough water! Love you all!<3

💕Tomboo💕Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant