~Chapter 5~

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I went back to school as normal and pretended the whole thing that happened with Eri's grandfather never existed.
I also remember I've been promised to get a chance to kill my father. When I phrase shit like that its what makes me look like a psychopath. Anways my day was okay. I pissed off Jordan's friend, Monoma. I did an arm wrestling battle with tetsutetsu and he lost. Maybe it he lost because I was 'slightly' distracting him. When I mean slightly is the fact that I told him that villains just apeared behind him and he took a second to look then I slammed his hand against the table and he claimed I cheated and blah blah blah. Like pshhhh I never cheat the biche just jealous.

-Later on in the day-

"Look Imei weren't you suppposed to see Jordan today?"

"Well yeah I was supposedly going to appear and make a grand entrance, I heard she was going to some carnaval with your brother."

"Ew. My brother."

"Yeah im supprised she's going out with Sho-"

"We dont curse in my holy sanctuary. " I spat

"Since when was your room holy bitch you have pictures of guys on your walls and since when was our brother's name promoted to being a curse word" Imei said moving her arms around to show her points.


"If Jordan marries your brother we become brother and sister in law~"

"THE FAWK IS WRONG WITH YOU EWEWEWEWEW NO. She won't marry him. If she does she's just putting herself in misery."

"But I mean maybe..."

"Imei. Respectfully stfu."


"One date doesent equal marriage."


"Also you and Jordan aren't blood related"

I know I sound harsh but that's just who I am.

"I know but...meh nevermind."


"Nothing, but I mean I am curious what does your other eye look like?"


"Is it two different colors like our brother?"

"Stop saying our brother. If you want him so bad keep him."

"Jeez no need to fuss I'm just playing."

"And why do you ask about my eye anyways?"

"Im just curious. We've been friends for a while and I have never seen it. It's always either covered by a patch or you cover it with your hair. How do you even see with it on-"

"I don't." I said bitterly

"Tayah what do you mean-"

"Are you trying to piss me off or are you just stupid." I said angrily with more venom in my tone


"No. You dont get it. I can't see in that eye Mei. Im blind in that eye. Ive been like that since im a kid. Since Touya left. He blinded me. He didn't do it on purpose but he did. That day he died he had burned my eye so badly I was blind in that eye. Ive always been blind I that eye." I said "I've always been blind in that eye" I said again like if I was trying to confirm it to myself.

"Tay...why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want your pity. I didn't want your tears to shed for me when I don't even shed my own. I didn't want help. I didn't want special treatment. I dont want people to think im ill because im not. Im strong. I've been stong all my life and being blind in one eye won't change that fact. I don't want people to pretend to like me because they think  I might be handicapped. I hate fake shit. So don't mention this ever or i swear your going to die."

"Fine I won't. You have my word. But Tay."


"If I ever see your brother im kicking him where the sun don't shine for blinding you."

"Nah don't."

"Yah I will when the time is right."

"You have a carnival date to crash Mei remeber."

Suddenly she moved in my blind spot but yet I could sense her presence. Losing an eye hypes up your other senses enormously.

"Why are you still there." I said monotonely

"I left already."

"No you didn't."

"How woud you know you can't see mee."

"Imei Delarosa Monico."

"To early for blind jokes?"

"I mean the John Cena meme wasn't as funny in this context and your never aloud to make blind jokes with me anymore. Your just straight up bad at them."

"Aww." She said pouting

"Go. Now."

"Why you getting to soft around me?"

Only for you Imei. Only for you

"Just go or you'll miss out im going to bed."

Okay, gnight Tayah

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