Jealous(dirty )~ Logan Henderson

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For fandomlover97

"Jake I dont know what to do. He never has anytime for me and I dont mean that in a wrong way, I love him, I really love Logan, he's so kind and so sweet and just so perfect and nice. But its hard you know?he's gone alot, and people say things." I said to my friend Jake.

Jake and I were on the way back to my house from a little outing. At the moment we were driving back to my place. We haven't seen eachother in years. He's my bestfriend, besides Logan Henderson my Sexy, amazing and talented Boyfriend.

"Well Soph, Darling, you just dont need to worry, You both love eachother. He's just a busy, and may I add a very, very sexy guy. " he said lauging.

"Hey watch it bud he is mine sweetheart " i said in a teassingly way. Jake is my Gay Bestfriend. I love him to death.

"Sorry love, but he is one fine piece of a-" I interrupted

"JAKE.. okay haha I get it, i have a hot boyfriend." I said and we both laugh. Jake walked me up to the drive way where I can see logan peaking out of the window.

"Well darling I had fun, we need to catch up, and hey maybe one day, you and ur boo ,and me and my sexy boo can get together, and we can finally meet eachothers partners. " Jake said winking at me.

"Thats fine with me but if you start flirting with my boyfriend I dont think your boyfriend would appreciate it." I said giggling. Jake pulled me in for a hug.

"I love you soph, thank you for being for me always. You're the best friend ive always wanted, I had fun today." I kissed him on the check.

" I love you too jake, you're the best guy friend. Ive ever had, ever will, and you need to meet Logan soon. He'll like you I think." I said.

"Oh honey, i already like him give me an hour im sure he'd like me too " he said winking.

"Oh my Gosh, bye. " i said laughing and walking to the door.

"I can turn any man gay, just give me five minutes." He said walking to his car door and driving off. I opened the door to see Logan standing there.

"Hey baby. " i said kissing Logan's cheek. He wasn't all smiley like he normally was.

"Hey Sophie" he said kind of cold. Okay..

"Logan, baby, are.. are you okay?" I asked placing my hand on his shoulders rubbing them.

"Yeah." He said he said getting up not looking at me.

"Okay Logan what the hell. What did I do?" i said in a cold. tone.

" Who in the hell is that guy?!" He said finally looking at me.

"Its my friend Jake." I said a little louder.

"Are you cheating on me?" He said getting close to me. Fine. You wanna do this. I got close to his face.

"No. We are just friends." I said. "Are you guys fucking?"he asked and I looked at him in shock .

" Huh?" He Yelled.

"Logan what the actual fuck?! What part of Friend do you not get?!" I said yelling back.

"How long have you been doing this?!" He yelled back.

"logan. I haven't cheated on you. I dont cheat. Im aloud to have guy friends. You have lady friends. Alot of them may I add and im practically supportive of that. NOT TO MENTION you have girls praticaly imagining having sex with you, but you get pissy when i have one guy friend. Its not fair nor do you have any right to be mad." i say standing my ground.

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