a woman who helped me a lot

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always carry a notebook with you
wherever you go, she said,
and don’t smoke too much, smoke dulls
the sensibilities.

attend readings, note breath pauses,
and when you read
always foucs

underplay, the crowd is more stupid than you
might think,

and when you  done writing something or two
don’t send it right away,
Keep it in your phone's notes for three weeks,
then open it and look
at it, and revise, revise,
REVISE it again and again,

tighten lines like the iron, holding a long bridge,
and keep your phone by your bed,
you will get dream during the night
and these dreams will vanish and be wasted
unless you wirte them down.
and don’t drink, any fool can
drink, you are a man of

for a woman who couldn’t write at all
She was about like the rest
of them: apparently she could
Talk and talk about writing but never
Give it a chance
Too bad
She would be a great writer than I'll ever be.

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