Chapter One

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(Aylah is 7, The twins are 8, and Kayi is 9.)

Today was the day of Nowruz, the first day of spring.

The Kayi tribe was filled with laughter and joy, children ran around with their friends, women cooked delicious meals, the alps competed against one another. Osman Bey stood with his alps and his elder brother. For the two brothers, Nowruz was a day of sadness as well as happiness. The day not only marked the day of Osman's birth but also marked the day their mother passed away.

Despite this, the brothers stood together, smiling, and joking around. They were standing near a new bridge that was being built, so far only one railing stood over the water. Aylah, Orhan, and Melike stood at the foot of the railing, wondering if they could stand on it without it breaking. 

"Baba, do you think it's strong enough for us to stand on it?" Melike calls out to her father who looks up, dark eyes shining, "You can stand on it, but if you fall, you'll land in the water." Melike looked at the beam for a moment before confidently stepping up onto it.

Orhan watched his sister walk up to the center of the beam slowly before stepping up himself. "Come on, Aylah," Orhan says, urging Aylah up, who looked at the water uncertainly. "What if I fall?" "If you fall, I'll fall, just come on!" 

Aylah sighs and steps up, pointing a threatening finger at her dark-eyed friend, "If you push me off, I will punch you." Orhan smirks, "I'm not going to push you, Aylah." They both walk carefully to the middle where Melike already stood, looking around.

Then, Melike turns to her brother and her friend, "As much as I love you both, there can only be one ultimate ruler and that is me. Sorry, not sorry!" Melike sticks her arm off, knocking both Orhan and Aylah into the water with a splash.

Osman laughs as the two kids pop up a second later, clothes soaking wet. "What was that for, I'm your brother!" Orhan shouts, shaking his wet hair out of his eyes, "You suck, Melike!" Aylah shouts as they both get out of the water. 

Melike laughs, "Sorry, but there can only be one, and that is clearly me." A whistle is heard from the other side and Kayi steps up, pale blue eyes bright with energy. In his hands were two wooden swords. "You're celebrating too early, Melike, you haven't beaten me yet."

He calls out, walking up the other side of the beam and throwing one sword at Melike, who catches it in her left hand. "Oh, I'll keep celebrating after I kick your ass, Kayi!" 

Osman facepalms at his daughter's choice of words, sending a look to Goktug, who gapes at him, offended. "I didn't even do anything!" "Sure, you didn't, Goktug," Boran notes, making a face at his daughter's wet clothes. 

Aylah steps towards him, arms out like she was going to hug him. Boran's eyes widen slightly, "Aylah, don't-" Boran groans as Aylah hugs him with a laugh, leaving wet patches on the alp's clothes.

"Aylah, now my clothes are wet!" Osman laughs, stepping away from Orhan before he can get his clothes wet. 

Kayi and Melike were battling in the center of the beam, and soon Melike was able to shove him off, making the older boy land in the water. "Haha! Take that Kayi!!"  Orhan grabs two more wooden swords and hands one to Aylah. "You go from this side, and I'll go from the other, let's take her down."

As the two kids go in separate directions, a little boy with dark brown hair swept to the side and bright honey brown eyes toddles toward Boran. "Baba!" The two-year-old yells, holding his hands out to his father, "Savci'm, what are you doing, my little lion?" Boran asks, scooping his son up in his arms. He had decided to name his son Savci, after the man who had treated him and cared for him like a brother.

(Lil Savci was the last-minute decision, the age gap between him and Aylah is 5 years.)

"Where Abla?" Savci asks his father who points out, showing him where his sister was about to attack Melike. "You're going down, Melike!" Aylah shouts as both she and Orhan push Melike off the beam. "Victory!" Orhan shouts, throwing his hands out and then Aylah turns to him, smirking, "Sorry, Orhan, but..."

Orhan takes a step back, narrowing his eyes, and Aylah grins, putting her hands at his shoulders to push him off. "Traitor!" Orhan yelps, stumbling back into the water. "Woohoo! I beat you all!" "You cheated," Melike says, crossing her arms, "Did not!" Aylah says back in a sing-song voice, hopping off the beam.

"Yay, Abla wins!" Savci shouts, squirming away and clapping his hands, Melike sticks her tongue out at the boy who does the same back. "I want a rematch," Kayi grumbles, running a hand through his hair as he stood next to Melike. "Oh yeah? Need a reminder of your defeat already?"

Kayi rolls his eyes, "No, But you need a reminder of your beast of an ego, Melike." Melike narrows her eyes at him and Orhan waves his hand in front of her face, "Stop before you even start, Kardesh'm."

(Kardesh means brother, but technically can also mean sibling. Since the twins are the same age, they're going to call each other Kardesh.)

"Shut it, both of you, we've got things to do," Aylah says making both Kayi and Melike perk up, "We do?" Aylah smirks, "No, I just wanted you two to stop bickering."

They walk over to the edge of the pond where little Savci was dipping his hand into the water. "Savci, be careful or you'll fall in the water and get your clothes wet," Boran calls out making his son turn around, "But Abla got her clothes wet!" The boy whines pointing to his sister, and Boran shakes his head. "Aylah wasn't supposed to get her clothes wet, but Melike, here, had other ideas."

Melike grins as Savci pouts, making Boran cross his arms. "I mean I could just push you into the water right now, kid. Is that what you want?"

A/N: Heyyy guyyyyyyysss, School makes me tired, I have one class upstairs while the rest are downstairs. Some are even on the legit other side of the building. It's very confusing. I'll probably be updating every other day. I'm not too sure about Cesaret, I'll have to talk it out with Zainab because we both have different schedules.

Salaam and Have a great day!


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