Yours for Centuries

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Chapter 1. Mysterious feelings 

Today was the most special occasion. Well, at least I had chosen the perfect costume to wear. I had started to sigh tiredly, as I dressed into the red plaid dress tucking it delicately over my jeans. Laura had ordered us into the correct dress code that had been all-red, in order to fit in with the theme of the Anderson's party, not even to mention that it was currently the summer holidays. It was the evening of Halloween, like it had been every single year. it had been peculiar, I'd already switched to Garachico to get away away from my hometown of Los Angeles, to start my new life elsewhere away from my past memories. Not just from Los Angeles, but home to my first ever crush, who was named Julian Phoenix. it had been very peculiar having a first ever crush in high school. Julian had been my default English partner when I'd first arrived back home in the middle of my semester. Everleigh had given me some advice on the first day home that the Anderson kids had sort of been keeping to themselves, of  course Julian had been the first exception of my day, we hadn't spoken one word during the entire class that we had together, he had just looked directly at me with a horrified expression spread across his face. Which hadn't been a very good first impression for me, and had pretty much apologised for being so rude. We had made loads of conversations during class. 

The following next day, he had gone back to pretending I didn't exist. But had been extremely friendly whenever we would have to study together for English, but other than that there was nothing otherwise. I had been spending my spare time doing my job at the Mohawk General store and having to constantly reject Aidan's affections towards me. Which was pretty much half of the day. I had hardly seen the Anderson kids, maybe except for the three times I had accidentally ended up at the nearby hospital (broken wrist and unsuspended headache, mildly.) and had bumped into Julian's dad, Mr Anderson. 

He would constantly ask about my wellbeing, how my holidays were going, and had chatted as he looked me over. But he never seemed too... 

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